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Two year post-doc position on tracer particle dynamics in crowded systems

A two-year postdoctoral position funded by the Swedish Research Council and the Crafoord Foundation.

In many-body physics one studies the behavior of many interacting particles. Since a living cell consists of many different particles (proteins, RNA, DNA etc) the methods developed in many-body non-equilibrium physics can be applied also for this kind of system. However a characteristic feature of cells, not present in most many-body physics approaches, is heterogeneity, i.e. the interacting species are of different kinds. In this project the aim is to understand the tracer particle dynamics in interacting heterogeneous many-body systems. with potential application to, for instance, gene regulation. Both stochastic simulations and analytical many-body approaches will be applied. The research will in part be conducted in collaboration with experimentalists.

The applicant should have a strong background in mathematical, computational and biological physics. Experience in techniques for solving many-body problems is advantageous. Applicants should send a CV, list of publications, research interests and letters of reference to tobias.ambjornsson AT


Living in Lund

Lund is a pleasant university town in southern Sweden. The closest larger cities are Malmö and Copenhagen (Denmark). Lund University was established in 1666, and is today one of Northern Europe's largest institutions for research and education.

Last modified June 2011. e-mail:tobias.ambjornsson AT