The Elusive Neutrino

Friday the 6th of December 2019
Palaestra et Odeum, Lund University
The fundamental matter particles are leptons and quarks. Leptons are electrically charged or neutral and the latter are known as neutrinos. These have no strong and electromagnetic interactions and it is therefore difficult to get experimental information about them. That, together with the fact that they can change from one type of neutrino into another makes them fascinating objects. The symposium discusses all aspects, how experiments deal with these elusive objects, how they fit within and outside our present best theory, the Standard Model, and how we have recently observed neutrino coming from outside the Milky Way. Find out about the continuing quest to learn more about them.

10:00 Welcome
How to catch a wild neutrino
Janet Conrad

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:00 Coffee
Massive neutrinos? how we know and why we care
Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia

YITP Stony Brook Univ. and ICREA U. Barcelona
12:30 Lunch*
IceCube: Opening a New Window on the Universe from the South Pole
Francis Halzen

Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center and
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison
14:30 Short break
Panel discussion: The future of neutrino physics
Janet Conrad, Francis Halzen, Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia,
Olga Botner (Uppsala), and Colin Carlile (Lund).
16:00 End

The Symposium is open to anyone
The lectures are intended for a general audience interested in physics and astronomy.
Each lecture includes about 15 minutes discussions

*Lunch sandwiches will be available for people who register
for the symposiym by sending a mail to before Friday the 29th of November.