Lund University Department of Theoretical Physics

Fundamental Theoretical Physics, FYTA12, 30hp, VT 2016

Introductory meeting

This course has been discontinued!/Denna kurs ges inte längre!

Course outline

The course consists of two parts, running in parallel, with lectures on alternating weekdays.

In addition there are four laborations/computer exercises, illustrating various parts of the course contents.

Laborations and Computer Exercises

Schedule 2016


See the respective parts.


Course evaluations

Our course evaluations are web-based and mandatory.

Here are the results of some of the previous evaluations:


Ordinary exams: see schedule.
Bonus rules: Swedish/English

Uppsamlingstentamina i de olika kursdelarna av Fyta12 kommer att ges under vecka 33-34 2016:

För deltagande i resp. del krävs föranmälan till resp. föreläsare minst två veckor innan, muntligt eller via email.

Course responsible

Fyta12: tel. 046-222 9072.
Fytb03: tel. 046-222 0665.

Senast ändrad 2016–08–26