NATF002: Advanced Quantum Field Theory (Avancerad kvantfältteori) 7.5hp

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PhD course in Theoretical Physics at Lund University

Course plan: Official Swedish version and English translation

Course book: Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

Misprints in the book can be found via Peskin's QFT page. Note that there are three different lists of misprints which you might all need depending on which edition you have.

Contents of the course

The aim of the course is to give deeper knowledge of field theory beyond the first course. Subjects include:

To read:

Required Problems

Problems to attempt (useful for understanding the later chapters)

Hints and comments to some of the exercises

The use of algebraic manipulation programs like FORM, Maple or Mathematica is allowed, even encouraged.

The full list of hints, also says if there are nonrequired parts, is available as a postscript file: hints.pdf

The oral exam

Meant to test understanding, not reproducing detailed derivations. Here you can find some examples of oral exam questions.

Some comments

There are many books on quantum field theory varying from very elementary to very mathematical, the list below are some I have looked at but there are many more.

The course book tends to do calculations in more detail than most other quantum field theory books. A good complement to the course book is A. Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell. It is strongly recommended to read this one at the same time as the course book, it explains why you do things better.

Here are some others Some of the more philosophical backgrounds of Field theory can be found in the review article Frank Wilczek, Quantum Field Theory published in Rev.Mod.Phys. 71 (1999) S85-S95 or hep-th/9803075. A shorter discussion by Steven Weinberg is hep-th/9702027. These are both very much recommended.

Solutions on the web

I haven't found any yet but they do probably exist if you look hard enough.

This document was last modified Wednesday, 11-Nov-2020 14:19:49 CET