Registration form

Registration deadline: April 14, 2005

Registration fee details:

Conference fee is 150 SEK, and the dinner cost is 350 SEK. So 150 SEK for participation without dinner, 500 SEK for participation with dinner.

Transfers should be made to Postgiro account 454 15 86-6, holder "Partikelfysikerna", specifying the purpose ("Partikeldagarna 2005") and the participant(s)' name(s).

Given name(s):
Family name:
Street address:
City:  Zip/index:
Phone nr:
Fax nr:
Duration of stay: Arrival:   Departure: 
Registration fee:  Will pay to PG 4541586-6   Check if it is a group payment by your University,
and make sure that your name is specified on the payment
 Will pay cash on arrival 
Conference dinner: Yes, will participate
No, will not participate
Special food preferences:  Vegetarian; specify if other:
Accompanying person(s):

Hotel booking

Note you need to book yourself, see hotels


Partikeldagarna 2005