Computational Physics, FYTN03 - fall 2010








Guide to writing reports

Below is a (tentative) description of the four projects in the course. The projects are done in groups of two, with the reports written individually.

How hard can I kick that football?

High school text-books tell us that the optimum angle for projectile motion is 45 degrees. However, in many sports disciplines it is rather found that one can throw a ball, spear etc farther if the angle is closer to 30 degrees. The aim of this project is to numerically investigate your favorite (or most hated) sports discipline, and include realistic effects such as air resistance. The parks of Lund will serve as crucial testing places for the modeling and numerical results. More details

You will learn: Numerically solving ordinary differential equations.

Suggested reading: G&N chapters 1,2, appendix A.

What is the best way keeping by beer cold?

Drinking beer is doing physics. Imagine you want to keep your beer cold during a hot summer's day - the transport of heat in your beverage is described by the heat equation. In this project your objective is to numerically investigate different ways of keeping a enjoyable temperature of your beer. More details

You will learn: Numerically solving partial differential equations.

Suggested reading: G&N chapters 5,6,10 (note that the heat equation is the same as the Schrödinger equation in imaginary time).

Reaction-diffusion - vicious walkers

Many processes requires molecules to meet and react. How long does this take? In this project the aim is to, as a model for chemical reactions, simulate random walkers in a box which kill each other (vicious walkers) whenever they meet. How will the density of particles decay with time in such a system? For realistic chemical reactions, not every encounter results in a reaction - you may therefore want consider a finite probability for an encounter to result in death. Or, perhaps there are many different types of particles? Feel free to explore different scenarios. More details

You will learn: Simulating stochastic processes.

Suggested reading: G&N chapter 7, appendix F and G.

How do proteins fold?

Biology offers many opportunities for doing interesting physics. Proteins are important players in our cells, and their functionality depends strongly on their structure. This structure in turn depends on the sequence of aminoacids. So, how do we get from sequence to structure? In this project you will attempt to answer this question, and will be brought up to the forefront of modern research in the field. More details

pivot.c C code to be used or inspired by for updating the chain with a pivot move and making sure self avoidance.

You will learn: Monte Carlo techniques.

Suggested reading: G&N chapter 8 and 12.1.

G&N=N.J. Giordano and H. Nakanishi, Computational Physics, 2nd ed.