LHEF  3.0(beta)

This is a main function which simply reads a Les Houches Event File from the standard input and writes it again to the standard output. This file can be downloaded from here. There are also two sample event files, ttV_unweighted_events.lhe and testlhef3.lhe to try it on.

#include "LHEF.h"
#include <iomanip>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// Create Reader and Writer object
LHEF::Reader reader(std::cin);
LHEF::Writer writer(std::cout);
// Copy header and init blocks and write them out.
// if ( reader.outsideBlock.length() ) std::cerr << reader.outsideBlock;
writer.headerBlock() << reader.headerBlock;
writer.initComments() << reader.initComments;
writer.heprup = reader.heprup;
long neve = 0;
// Read each event and write them out again.
while ( reader.readEvent() ) {
if ( reader.outsideBlock.length() ) std::cout << reader.outsideBlock;
writer.eventComments() << reader.eventComments;
writer.hepeup = reader.hepeup;
writer.hepeup.heprup = &writer.heprup;
// std::cerr << neve << " events were found." << std::endl;