- Brief class description:
- This class decays particles to nq (2 or 4) quarks which then are decayes to hadrons according to phase space. The number of final hadrons can either be given by a fixed number or as a Gaussian multiplicity distribution centered around c+nq/4+c3 and a width sqrt(c), where c = c1 log((m - summ)/c2), m is the mass of the decaying particle, summ the sum of the quark masses and ci real parameters.
See also ThePEG::QuarksToHadronsDecayer
Name: FlavourGenerator
Type: Reference to objects of class
- Description:
- The object in charge of generating hadrons spieces from given quark flavours.
Name: C3
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The c3 parameter of the gaussian multiplicity distribution centered around c1 log((m - summ)/c2) +c3.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10
Name: C2
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The c2 parameter of the gaussian multiplicity distribution centered around c1 log((m - summ)/c2) +c3.
Default value: 0.7
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10
Name: C1
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The c1 parameter of the gaussian multiplicity distribution centered around c1 log((m - summ)/c2) +c3.
Default value: 4.5
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10
Name: MinN
Type: Integer parameter
- Description:
- The minimum hadrons to be produced.
Default value: 2
Minimum value: 2
Maximum value: 10
Name: FixedN
Type: Integer parameter
- Description:
- The fixed number of hadrons to be produced. If less than 2, the number is instead given by a gaussian multiplicity distribution.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 10
There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::Decayer class.