List of Publications by Leif Lönnblad
(With links to on-line documents where available) You can also
search INSPIRE
for papers I've written.
Monte Carlo results on the Collins asymmetries in e+
e- annihilation, arXiv:2410.11489,
contribution to the proceedings of the 7th International
Workshop on Transverse phenomena in hard processes and the
transverse structure of the proton .
(with Albi Kerbizi and Anna Martin)
Going against the flow: Revealing the QCD degrees of freedom in
hadronic collisions, arXiv:2409.16093, to submitted to
Nature Physics .
(with Christian Bierlich, Peter Christiansen, Gösta Gustafson, Robin Törnkvist, and Korinna Zapp)
Quark spin effects in e+e− annihilation: a Monte Carlo event
generator study, arXiv:2407.07706, Phys. Rev.D110 (2024) 074029.
(with Albi Kerbizi and Anna Martin)
Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory: Rivet version 4 release note,
arXiv:2404.15984 [hep-ph], SciPost Phys. Codebases 36 (2024) 1.
(with Christian Bierlich et al.)
Simulation of e+e annihilation with quark spin effects, arXiv:2312.17034, proceedings of the 25th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN-2023).
(with Albi Kerbizi and Anna Martin)
Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics in Parton Showers, arXiv:2312.05203, Eur.Phys.J. C84 (2024) 432.
(with Naomi Cooke, Philip Ilten and Stephen Mrenna)
The dynamic hadronization of charm quarks in heavy-ion collisions, arXiv:2309.12452, Eur.Phys.J. C84 (2024) 231.
(with Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson and Harsh Shah)
Baryon correlations in Pythia, arXiv:2309.01557, Eur.Phys.J. C83 (2023) 1105.
(with Harsh Shah)
Extending StringSpinner to handle vector-meson spin, arXiv:2305.05058, Comput.Phys.Commun 292
(2023) 108886.
(with Albi Kerbizi)
A spatially constrained QCD colour reconnection in pp, pA, and AA collisions in the PYTHIA8/Angantyr model , arXiv:2303.11747, Eur.Phys.J. C83 (2023) 639.
(with Harsh Shah)
Adding quark spin effects to PYTHIA string
fragmentation, arXiv:2210.06009, Proceedings of ICHEP
2022, PoS ICHEP2022 (2022) 831.
(with Albi Kerbizi)
Impact of string interactions on the space-time evolution of hadronic
arXiv:2207.14186, Eur.Phys.J. C83 (2023) 464.
(with Smita Chakraborty)
Strangeness enhancement across collision systems without a
plasma, arXiv:2205.11170, Phys. Lett. B835 (2022) 137571.
(with Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty and Gösta Gustafson)
A comprehensive guide to the physics and usage of PYTHIA 8.3,
arXiv:2203.11601, SciPost Phys. Codebases 8
(with Christian Bierlich, et al.)
Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments,
arXiv:2203.11110, Contribution to: the 2022 Snowmass Summer Study, SciPost Physics 16 5 (2024) 023.
(Eds. M. Campbel, et al.)
A standard convention for particle-level Monte Carlo event-variation weights,
arXiv:2202.08230, , SciPost PhysicsCore 6 1 (2023) 007.
(Eds. E. Bothmann et al.)
Jet modifications from colour rope formation in dense systems of non-parallel strings,
arXiv:2202.12783, SciPost Physics 13 (2022) 023.
(with Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty and Gösta Gustafson)
Hyperfine splitting effects in string hadronization,
arXiv:2201.06316, Eur.Phys.J. C82 (2022) 228.
(with Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty and Gösta Gustafson)
HL-LHC Computing Review Stage-2, Common Software Projects: Event Generators,
arXiv:2109.14938 [hep-ph].
(with Efe Yazgan, et al.)
StringSpinner -- adding spin to the PYTHIA string fragmentation,
arXiv:2105.09730 [hep-ph], Comput.Phys.Commun 272
(2022) 108234
(with Albi Kerbizi)
The Angantyr model for heavy ions in Pythia8,
Proceedings of The 28th International Conference on
Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2019
, Nucl. Phys. A10005 (2021) 121873.
Setting the string shoving picture in a new frame,
arXiv:2010.07595, J. High Energy Phys. 2021 (2021) 270.
(with Christian Bierlich, Smita Chakraborty and Gösta Gustafson)
Challenges in Monte Carlo event generator software for High-Luminosity LHC, Comput Softw Big Sci 5, 12 (2021),
arXiv:1902.02280 [hep-ph],
(with Andrea Valassi et al.)
QCD Challenges from pp to A-A Collisions,
arXiv:2003.10997 [hep-ph], Eur.Phys.J. A 56 (2002) 288.
(with Jonatan Adolfsson et al.)
Confronting Experimental Data with Heavy-Ion Models: Rivet for Heavy Ions,
arXiv:2001.10737 [hep-ph], Eur.Phys.J. C 80 (2020) 485.
(with Christian Bierlich et al.)
Four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the PYTHIA8 framework,
arXiv:1912.08733 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. D 201 (2020) 014029.
(with Oleh Fedkevych)
The HepMC3 Event Record Library for Monte Carlo Event Generators,
arXiv:1912.08005 [hep-ph], Comput. Phys. Commun 260 (2021), 107310.
(with Andy Buckley et al.)
Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory: Rivet version 3,
arXiv:1912.05451 [hep-ph], SciPost Physics 8 (2020) 026.
(with Christian Bierlich et al.)
Inclusion of the 3
model in PYTHIA 8, Proceedings
of XXVII. International
Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects,
arXiv:1902.02280 [hep-ph],
(with Albi Kerbizi)
Monte Carlo event generators for high energy particle physics event simulation,
arXiv:1902.01674 [hep-ph],
(with A. Buckley, et al.)
Dipoles in Impact Parameter Space and Rapidity,
Adv. Ser. Direct. High Energy Phys. 29 (2018) 359,
(with Gösta Gustafson)
The Angantyr model for Heavy-Ion Collisions in PYTHIA8,
arXiv:1806.10820 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 1810 (2018) 134,
(with Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson and Harsh Shah)
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model
Working Group Report, arXiv:1803.07977 [hep-ph]
(with Josh Bendavid et al.)
Merging High Energy with Soft and Collinear Logarithms using HEJ and
PYTHIA, arXiv:1712.00178 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 1809 (2018) 074,
(with Jeppe R Andersen and Helen M Brooks)
Collectivity without plasma in hadronic collisions,
arXiv:1710.09725 [hep-ph], Phys. Lett. B779 (2018) 58,
(with Christian Bierlich and Gösta Gustafson)
Systematics of quark/gluon tagging, arXiv:1704.03878
[hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 1707 (2017)
(with Jesse Thaler et al.)
A shoving model for collectivity in hadronic collisions, arXiv:1612.05132 [hep-ph],
(with Christian Bierlich and Gösta Gustafson)
Generation of central exclusive final states, arXiv:1608.03765 [hep-ph], Eur. Phys. J. C76 (2016) 668
(with Radek Zlebcik)
Diffractive and non-diffractive wounded nucleons and final states in pA collisions, arXiv:1607.04434 [hep-ph], J. High Energy
Phys. 1610 (2016) 139
(with Christian Bierlich and Gösta Gustafson)
Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model
Working Group Report, arXiv:1605.04692 [hep-ph]
(with Jeppe Andersen et al.)
Total, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high
energy pA and γ*A reactions with the dipole
formalism, arXiv:1506.09095 [hep-ph], J. High Energy
Phys. 1510 (2015) 022
(with Gösta Gustafson,
András Ster and Tamás Csörgő)
Effects of Overlapping Strings in pp Collisions, arXiv:1412.6259 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 1503
(2015) 148
(with Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson and Andrey Tarasov)
Event generators, Proceedings
of XXII. International
Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects,
Contribution of indoor-generated particles to residential
exposure, Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 2014.07.053.
(with Christina Isaxon et al.)
The Tools and Monte Carlo Working Group Summary Report from the Les
Houches 2013 Workshop on TeV Colliders, arXiv:1405.1067
(with Jonathan
Butterworth et al.)
Merging Multi-leg NLO Matrix Elements with Parton Showers
, arXiv:1211.7278 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 1303
(2013) 166
(with Stefan Prestel)
Fooling Around with the Sudakov Veto Algorithm
, arXiv:1211.7204 [hep-ph], Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2350
Unitarising Matrix Element + Parton Shower merging
, arXiv:1211.4827 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 02
(2013) 094
(with Stefan Prestel)
Exclusive final states in diffractive excitation
, arXiv:1210.2407 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 12
(2012) 115
(with Gösta Gustafson and Christoffer Flensburg)
The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report
, arXiv:1203.6803 [hep-ph]
(with J. Alcaraz Maestre et al.)
Matching Tree-Level Matrix Elements with Interleaved Showers
, arXiv:1109.4829 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 03
(2012) 019
(with Stefan Prestel)
A Parton Shower for High Energy Jets
, arXiv:1104.1316 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 07
(2011) 110
(with Jeppe Andersen and
Jennifer Smillie )
Inclusive and Exclusive observables from dipoles in high energy
collisions, arXiv:1103.4321 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 08
(2011) 103
(with Christoffer
Flensburg and Gösta Gustafson)
Correlations in double parton distributions at small x,
arXiv:1103.4320 [hep-ph]], J. High Energy Phys. 06
(2011) 066
(with Christoffer Flensburg, Gösta
Gustafson and Andras Ster)
General-purpose event generators for LHC physics, arXiv:1101.2599 [hep-ph], Phys. Rep. 504 (2011) 145
(with Andy Buckley
et al.)
Rivet user manual, arXiv:1003.0694 [hep-ph,
Comput. Phys. Commun 184 (2013) 2803]
(with Andy Buckley
et al.)
The Tools and Monte Carlo
Working Group Summary Report from the Les Houches 2009 Workshop on TeV
Colliders, arXiv:1003.1643 [hep-ph]
Jonathan Butterworth et al.)
- Summary of the Multi-Jet
final states and energy flows working group, published in
proceedings (arXiv:0903.3861 [hep-ph] p128) of
the HERA and the LHC
CERN/DESY workshop 2006/2008
(editor together with Claire Gwenlan,
Eduardo Rodrigues, Giulia Zanderighi, et al.)
- ThePEG Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation, published in
proceedings (arXiv:0903.3861 [hep-ph] p733) of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2006/2008
Extending CKKW-merging to One-Loop Matrix Elements,
arXiv:0811.2912 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 12
(2008) 070.
(with Nils Lavesson)
What HERA may provide ?, arXiv:0809.0549 [hep-ph], to be
published in the proceedings of
the DIS 2008 Workshop on
Deep Inelastic Scattering, London, UK, April 2008
(with Hannes
Jung et al.)
Elastic and quasi-elastic pp and γ*p scattering in
the Dipole Model., arXiv:0807.0325
[hep-ph], Eur. Phys. J.
C60 (2009) 233.
(with Christoffer
Flensburg and Gösta Gustafson)
Merging parton showers and matrix elements: Back to basics,
arXiv:0712.2966 [hep-ph],
J. High Energy Phys. 04
(2008) 085.
(with Nils
Diffractive Excitation in DIS and pp Collisions,
arXiv:0709.1368 [hep-ph], J. High Energy Phys. 12
(2007) 012.
(with Emil Avsar and Gösta Gustafson)
Comparative study of various algorithms for the merging of parton
showers and matrix elements in hadronic collisions,
arXiv:0706.2569 [hep-ph] Eur. Phys. J.
C53 (2008) 473.
(with Johan Alwall, et al.)
String Effects on Fermi-Dirac Correlation Measurements,
hep-ph/0702241, Eur. Phys. J. C52 (2007) 113.
(with Rosa María Duran Delgádo and Gösta Gustafson)
Small-x Dipole Evolution Beyond the Large-Nc Limit,
hep-ph/0610157, J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2007) 012.
(with Emil Avsar and Gösta Gustafson)
A standard format for Les Houches event files, hep-ph/0609017,
Comput. Phys. Commun 176 (2007) 300.
(with J. Alwall et al)
Classical and Non-Classical ADD-phenomenology with high-ET
jet observables at collider experiments, hep-ph/0608210,
J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2006) 088
(with Malin Sjödahl)
- THEPEG, HERWIG++ and ARIADNE, published in the proceedings of the
DIS 2006 Workshop on Deep
Inelastic Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan, April, 2006, Eds. M. Kuze,
K. Nagano, K. Tokushuku. Hackensack, World Scientific, 2007.
HZTool and Rivet: Toolkit and Framework for the Comparison of
Simulated Final States and Data at Colliders, published
in the proceedings of the International Conference on
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2006), Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India, February 2006.
(With Ben Waugh et al.)
Small x Phenomenology - summary of the 3rd Lund Small x
Workshop in 2004, hep-ph/0604189,
Eur. Phys. J. C48 (2006) 53.
(With The
Small x Collaboration, Hannes Jung, Gösta Gustafson, et
CEDAR, published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
(with Andrew Buckley et
ARIADNE at HERA and the LHC, published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
ThePEG: Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation,
published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
Matching Parton Showers and Matrix Elements, published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
(with Stefan Hoeche et
Unintegrated parton density functions, published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
(with John Collins et
Forward Jets and Multiple Interactions, published in the
proceedings of the HERA and
the LHC CERN/DESY workshop 2004/2005
(with Jacek Turnau)
HERWIG++ and ARIADNE, proceedings of
the ACAT05 workshop,
Zeuthen, Germany, May, 2005. Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
A559 (2006) 246.
QCD-supression by Black Hole Production at the LHC,
J. High Energy Phys. 09 (2005) 019.
(with Malin
Sjödahl and Torsten Åkesson)
W+jets Matrix Elements and the Dipole Cascade, hep-ph/0503293,
J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2005) 054.
(with Nils
Energy Conservation and Saturation in Small-x Evolution,
hep-ph/0503181, J. High Energy Phys. 07 (2005)
(with Emil Avsar and Gösta Gustafson)
Uncertainties on Central Exclusive Scalar Luminosities from the
unintegrated gluon distributions, hep-ph/0412111,
J. High Energy Phys. 05 (2005) 038.
(with Malin Sjödahl)
Monte Carlo Generators, proceedings of the XXXIV International Symposium
on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sonoma County, California, USA, July,
2004, Ed. B. Gary, Acta Phys. Polon. B36
(2005) 743
ARIADNE, proceedings of the DIS 2004 Workshop on Deep Inelastic
Scattering, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, April, 2004,
Eds. D. Bruncko, J. Ferencei, P. Strizenec
Unintegrated gluon densities in the LDC model, proceedings of
the DIS 2004 Workshop on Deep
Inelastic Scattering, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, April,
2004, Eds. D. Bruncko, J. Ferencei, P. Strizenec
Les Houches Guidebook to Monte Carlo Generators for Hadron Collider
Physics, hep-ph/0403045, Eds. M. Dobbs, S. Frixione,
E. Laenen, K. Tollefson.
(With H. Baer, et al.)
Small x Phenomenology: Summary and Status 2002,
Eur. Phys. J. C35 (2004) 67.
(With The
Small x Collaboration, Hannes Jung, Gösta Gustafson, et
Central exclusive scalar luminosities from the Linked Dipole Chain
model gluon densities. hep-ph/0311252, J. High Energy
02 (2004) 043.
(With Malin Sjödahl)
Study of the Linked Dipole Chain model in heavy quark production at
the Tevatron. hep-ph/0309207, J. High Energy Phys.
01 (2004) 010.
(With Artem Lipatov and Nikolai Zotov)
PYTHIA 6.3 Physics and Manual,
(with Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Stephen
Status of the PYTHIA7 Project,
proceedings of the ACAT02 workshop, Moscow, Russia, June 2002,
Eds. V.A. Ilyin, V.V. Korenkov and D. Perret-Gallix, Nucl. Inst. and
Methods A502 (2003) 549.
Hadronic Collisions in the Linked Dipole Chain Model,
Phys. Rev.
D67 (2003) 034020.
(With Gösta Gustafson and
Gabriela Miu)
Multi-hadron final states, hep-ph/0208154, proceedings of
the DIS02 workshop, Krakow, Poland, May 2002, Acta
Phys. Polon.
B33 (2002) 3329.
(With Jose Repond and Marek
Modeling diffractive final states, proceedings of the DIS02
workshop, Krakow, Poland, May 2002, Acta Phys. Polon.
B33 (2002) 3231.
Gluon Distribution Functions in the kT-factorization
Approach, hep-ph/0206195,
J. High Energy Phys. 09 (2002) 005.
Gösta Gustafson and Gabriela Miu)
Combining Matrix Elements and the Dipole Cascade Model,
proceedings of the DIS02 workshop, Krakow, Poland, May 2002, Acta
Phys. Polon.
B33 (2002) 3171.
- Interfacing fixed order QCD matrix
elements with parton showers, to appear in the proceedings
of the CPP01 workshop, Tokyo, Japan, November 2001.
Small x Phenomenology: Summary and Status,
Eur. Phys. J. C25 (2001) 77.
(With The
Small x Collaboration, Hannes Jung, Leif Jönsson, et al.)
Correcting the Colour-Dipole Cascade Model with Fixed Order Matrix
J. High Energy Phys. 05 (2002) 046.
Generic User Process Interface for Event Generators,
hep-ph/0109068, proceedings of the Physics at TeV Colliders,
Eds. P. Aurenche et al., Les Houches, France, May 2001
(with E. Boos et al.)
PYTHIA 6.2 Physics and Manual,
(with Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Stephen
Hadronic final state predictions from CCFM Generators,
proceedings of the DIS 2001 workshop, Bologna, Italy, April 2001,
World Scientific (2002), Eds. G. Bruni, G. Iacobucci,
R. Nania.
(with Hannes Jung)
- Small-x Physics and Forward
Jet Production at THERA, hep-ph/0105122, in The THERA
Book (Proceedings of the workshop on THERA Physics, DESY, Hamburg
February - December 2000), eds. U. Katz, M. Klein,
A. Levy and S. Schlenstedt. Also in TESLA Technical
Design Report DESY-01-011, eds. F. Richard,
J.R. Schneider, D. Trines and A. Wagner
Hannes Jung)
vector boson production at the Tevatron,
(with Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw)
High-energy physics
event generation with PYTHIA 6.1,
Comput. Phys. Commun 135 (2001) 238.
Torbjörn Sjöstrand et al.)
Report of the
QCD working group, Proceedings of
the LEP-2 Monte
Carlo Workshop, CERN, Geneva 1999-2000, CERN Yellow report
2000-009, Eds. S. Jadach, G.Passarino, R. Pittau.
(with A. Ballestrero et al.)
Colour Singlet Exchange at the Tevatron, Proceedings of
the DIS 2000
conference, Liverpool, England, April 2000, Eds. J.A. Gracey,
T. Greenshaw, World Scientific 2001.
(with Brian Cox and
Jeff Forshaw)
Monte Carlo
Generators and the CCFM Equation., Proceedings of
the DIS
2000 conference, Liverpool, England, April 2000,
Eds. J.A. Gracey, T. Greenshaw, World Scientific 2001.
(with Hannes Jung)
PYTHIA version 7-0.0 - a proof-of-concept
Comput. Phys. Commun. 134 (2001) 365.
(with Marc Bertini and Torbjörn Sjöstrand)
problems in the phenomenology of hard diffractive scattering.
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 26
(2000) 667
(with Brian Cox, Dino Goulianos and Jim Whitmore)
Is BFKL ruled
out by the Tevatron gaps between jets data ? Proceedings of
the Tevatron Run 2 QCD and Weak Boson Physics workshop, November 1999,
Fermilab, Eds. U. Baur, R.K. Ellis., D. Zeppenfeld,
(with Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw)
Some comments
on the current status of event generators for small-x.
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 26 (2000) 707
(with Hannes Jung)
Hard Colour Singlet Exchange at the Tevatron, J. High
Energy Phys.
10(1999) 023.
(with Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw)
Summary of
activities in the Working Group on QCD Cascades of the HERA Monte
Carlo workshop, Proceedings of the Monte Carlo Generators
for HERA Physics workshop, Hamburg 1998-1999, Eds A.T. Doyle,
et al. DESY-PROC-1999-02, p. 3.
(with Nick Brook)
Colour-Dipole model and the ARIADNE
program at high Q2, Proceedings of
the Monte Carlo Generators for HERA Physics workshop,
Hamburg 1998-1999. DESY-PROC-1999-02, p. 47.
Comments on
event generators for deeply inelastic e-gamma
scattering, Proceedings of the Workshop on photon
interactions and photon structure, Lund September 1998,
Eds. G. Jarlskog and T. Sjöstrand, p197.
Strategies for PYTHIA version 7,
Comput. Phys. Commun 118 (1999) 213.
Bose-Einstein Correlations at LEP 2, Proceedings of the
Correlations and Fluctuations '98 conference, June 1998,
Matrahaza, Hungary, Eds. T. Csörgö, S. Hegyi,
G. Jancsó, R. Hwa, p1.
Properties in the LDC Monte Carlo, proceedings of the DIS
98 conference, April 1998, Brussels, Belgium, eds. GH. Coremans
and R. Rosen.
New and Old
Jet Clustering Algorithms for Electron-Positron Events,
J. High Energy Phys. 8(1998)001.
(with Stefano Moretti and Torbjörn Sjöstrand)
LDCMC version
Comput. Phys. Commun. 123 (1999) 153.
(with Hamid Kharraziha)
Bose-Einstein correlations at LEP 2,
Eur. Phys. J. C2 (1998) 181.
(with T. Sjöstrand)
The Linked
Dipole Chain Monte Carlo, J. High Energy
Phys.3 (1998) 006.
(with Hamid Kharraziha)
Tuning MC
Models to Fit DIS e-gamma Scattering Events, proceedings of
the Photon 97 conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Jan Lauber, Mike Seymour)
Effects in Z0
Fragmentation into Charmonium,
Z. Phys.. C76 (1997) 515.
(with Per
Ernström and Mikko Vänttinen)
and High ET Phenomena, proceedings of
the Future physics at
HERA workshop, DESY Hamburg 1996, Eds. G. Ingelman,
A. De Roeck, R. Klanner, Vol. 1, p 500.
Martin Erdmann, Dirk Graudenz and Katsuo Tokushuku)
Physics Case for a Forward Detector Upgrade, proc. of the
Future physics
at HERA workshop, DESY Hamburg 1996, Eds. G. Ingelman,
A. De Roeck, R. Klanner, Vol. 1, p 625.
Halina Abramowicz, et al.)
The LDC Event
Generator, proceedings of
the Future physics at
HERA workshop, DESY Hamburg 1996, Eds. G. Ingelman,
A. De Roeck, R. Klanner, Vol. 1, p 620.
Gösta Gustafson and Hamid Kharraziha)
HzTool: A
Package for Monte Carlo - Data Comparison at HERA (Version
1.0), proceedings of
the Future
physics at HERA workshop, DESY Hamburg 1996,
Eds. G. Ingelman, A. De Roeck, R. Klanner,
Vol. 1, p 611.
(with Nick Brook, et al.)
heavy quarkonia in a QCD
cascade, Z. Phys. C75 (1997)
(with Per Ernström)
QCD Event
Generators, proceedings of
the Physics
at LEP 2 workshop, Eds. G. Altarelli, T. Sjöstrand,
F. Zwirner, CERN yellow report 96-01 Vol. 2, p
(with I.G. Knowles, T. Sjöstrand, et
of the mass of the W boson, proceedings of
the Physics
at LEP 2 workshop, Eds. G. Altarelli,
T. Sjöstrand, F. Zwirner, CERN yellow report
96-01 Vol. 1, p 141.
(with Z. Kunszt,
W.J. Stirling, et al.)
Physics, proceedings of
the Physics
at LEP 2 workshop, Eds. G. Altarelli,
T. Sjöstrand, F. Zwirner, CERN yellow report
96-01 Vol. 1, p 291.
(with P. Aurenche,
G. Schuler, et al.)
Event Generators, proceedings of
the Physics
at LEP 2 workshop, Eds. G. Altarelli,
T. Sjöstrand, F. Zwirner, CERN yellow report
96-01 Vol. 2, p 187.
(with M. Seymour, et
Reconnections and Rapidity
Gaps, J. Phys. G22 (1996) 947.
Effects in W + jets Production at the
Tevatron, Nucl. Phys.B458 (1996) 215.
Coloured Dipoles, Z. Phys. C70,
(1996) 107.
Hadronic Final
States in Deep Inelastic e-gamma Scattering, CERN-TH/95-95
(Due to an editorial error this article was never published in the
proceedings of the Photon '95 conference, Sheffield, England,
April 1995, Eds. D.J. Miller, S.L. Cartwright,
V. Khoze, World Scientific, Singapore (1995))
Effects and W Mass Determinations,
Phys. Lett.B351 (1995) 293.
(with T. Sjöstrand)
Rapidity gaps
and other final state properties in the colour dipole model for
deep inelastic scattering,
Z. Phys. C65 (1995) 285.
CLHEP - a Project
for Designing a C++ Class Library for High Energy Physics,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 84 (1994) 307.
JETNET 3.0 - A
Versatile Artificial Neural Network
Package, Comp. Phys. Comm. 81
(1994) 185.
(with C. Peterson and
T. Rögnvaldsson)
Status of the MC++ Event Generator Toolkit, Proceedings of
the MC93 International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulations in
High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Febuary 1993, Tallahassee,
Florida, USA, Eds. P. Dragovitsch et al., p. 202.
ARCLUS - A new
jet clustering algorithm inspired by the Colour Dipole
Model ,
Z. Phys.C58 (1993) 471.
Status of the
MC++ Event Generator Toolkit , Proceedings of
the Computing in High Energy Physics conference,
September 1992, Annecy, France, CERN Yellow report 92-07, p 531,
Eds. C. Verkerk and W. Wojcik.
The Dipole
Model Structure Functions DESY 92-098, Lund Preprint LU-TP
(with B. Andersson)
ARIADNE version 4 - A Program for
Simulation of QCD Cascades Implementing The Colour Dipole
Comp. Phys.. Comm. 71 (1992) 15.
Proceedings of
the First Workshop on The MC++ Event Generator Toolkit, Lund
Sweden 1992 , Lund Preprint LU TP 92-4 and Cambridge
Preprint Cavendish-HEP-92/1.
(with D. Brück et al.)
QCD cascades
in deep inelastic scattering, Proceedings of the Physic
at HERA workshop, Hamburg, Germany, Oct 1991, Vol. 1, p
275, Eds. W. Buchmüller, G. Ingelman.
N. Brook and G. Ingelman)
ARIADNE version 4, Proceedings of
the Physic at HERA workshop , Hamburg, Germany, Oct
1991, Vol. 3, p 1440, Eds. W. Buchmüller,
G. Ingelman.
Generators For
Deep Inelastic Scattering, Proceedings of the Physic at
HERA workshop, Hamburg, Germany, Oct 1991, Vol. 3, p 1167,
Eds. W. Buchmüller, G. Ingelman.
(with N. Magnussen et al.)
Radiation in the Dipole Model, Proc. of the Workshop
on Photon Radiation from Quarks, Annecy, France December 1991,
Ed. S. Cartwright, CERN Yellow report 92-04, p 109.
The MC++ Event
Generator Toolkit version
0, Comp. Phys. Comm. 71 (1992) 1.
(with A. Nilsson)
Reconstruction with a Neural Network,
Phys. Lett. B278 (1992) 181.
(with C. Peterson
and T. Rögnvaldsson)
Monte Carlo
Event Generation for Future Super Colliders, Proceedings of
the 17th Eloisatron workshop - QCD at 200 TeV Erice, Italy,
June 1991, p 253, Eds. L. Cifarelli, Y. Dokshitzer.
Production and Decays in an Object Oriented
Formulation, Particle World 2 (1991) 130.
(with R. Blankenbecler)
Recognition in High Energy Physics with Artificial Neural
Networks - JETNET 2.0 ,
Comp. Phys. Comm.70
(1992) 167.
(with C. Peterson and T. Rögnvaldsson)
A String-Dynamical Description of Gluon and Ocean Quark Structure
Phys. Lett.B277
(1992) 359.
(with B. Andersson)
The Colour
Dipole Cascade Model and the ARIADNE
Program , Proceedings of the
MC91 workshop on Detector and Event Simulation in High Energy
Physics, Amsterdam 1991, Eds. K. Bos and B. van
Eijk, p 527.
Self-organizing Networks for Extracting Jet
Features, Comp. Phys. Comm. 67
(1991) 193.
(with C. Peterson and T. Rögnvaldsson)
Report of the
heavy flavors group , Proceedings from the Workshop on Jet
studies at LEP and HERA, Durham, England, December
1990, J. Phys. G17 (1991) 1605.
(with R. Barlow, et al.)
Using Neural
Networks to Identify Jets in Hadron-Hadron Collisions ,
Proceedings of the 1990 DPF Summer Study on High Energy
Physics. Snowmass 1990, p 168, Ed. E.L. Berger
(with P. Bhat, K. Meier and K. Sugano)
Using Neural
Networks to Identify Jest ,
Nucl. Phys. B349 (1991) 675.
(with C. Peterson and
T. Rögnvaldsson)
Finding Gluon
Jets with a Neural Trigger ,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1321.
(with C. Peterson and T. Rögnvaldsson)
Monte Carlo
Simulations in Quantum Chromo Dynamics , thesis for the
degree of doctor of Philosophy, ISBN 91-7900-851-8
Phenomenological Investigation of the String
Effect, Phys. Lett. B241 (1990) 123.
(with V. Khoze)
The Flavoring
of a Gluon Jet ,
Phys.. Lett. B236 (1990) 461.
B. Andersson and G. Gustafson)
ARIADNE 3 - a Monte Carlo for QCD
cascades in the Colour Dipole Formulation , Lund
Preprint LU TP 89-10 (1989).
Splitting in the Colour Dipole Cascades ,
Nucl. Phys. B339 (1990) 393.
(with B. Andersson and
G. Gustafson).
- Twist and Finite Size Effects for the Source
Method - A Monte Carlo Study, Lund Preprint LU TP 88-19.
2 - a Monte Carlo for QCD Cascades in the Colour Dipole
Formulation , Lund Preprint LU TP 88-15 (1988)
U. Pettersson)
effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering ,
Z. Phys. C43 (1989) 621.
(with B. Andersson,
G. Gustafson and U. Pettersson)
Twist and
Finite Size Effects for the Source Method
, Z. Phys. C42 (1989) 289.
B. Söderberg)
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