bob_week4 > ./ Nucleotide occurences: A: 3298 (31.0 %) G: 2804 (26.3 %) T: 2333 (21.9 %) C: 2214 (20.8 %) All DNA words of length 2: GA: 990 AG: 911 CA: 883 TG: 841 AA: 783 AT: 681 AC: 673 GG: 673 CT: 542 GT: 515 TC: 505 GC: 471 TT: 466 CC: 455 TA: 391 CG: 224 Will perform permutations test to estimate backgroud distribution: How many permutations? 5000 Completed 5000 out of 5000 permutations GA: 990 NOT within [782, 954] (mean = 868) AG: 911 within [783, 953] (mean = 868) CA: 883 NOT within [607, 763] (mean = 685) TG: 841 NOT within [538, 689] (mean = 614) AA: 783 within [717, 841] (mean = 779) AT: 681 within [643, 802] (mean = 723) AC: 673 within [608, 763] (mean = 685) GG: 673 NOT within [525, 643] (mean = 584) CT: 542 within [415, 554] (mean = 484) GT: 515 NOT within [538, 690] (mean = 614) TC: 505 within [415, 554] (mean = 484) GC: 471 NOT within [508, 657] (mean = 583) TT: 466 within [364, 473] (mean = 418) CC: 455 NOT within [328, 433] (mean = 380) TA: 391 NOT within [643, 803] (mean = 723) CG: 224 NOT within [508, 658] (mean = 583)