Changes and updates in recent versions of Lepto
Lepto 6.2
- introduced option to simulate scattering on intrinsic charm quarks, see LST(15).
- additional options for applying cut-offs against divergences in QCD matrix elements, see LST(20).
- new default values for QCD matrix element cutoffs PARL(8) and PARL(9).
- new parameter PARL(10) for parton showers added on ME.
- additional options of maximum virtuality for parton showers, see LST(9).
- additional options, and new default, for treatment of the nucleon target remnant, see LST(14).
- internal flag previously in LST(20) moved to LST(32), PARL(20) removed.
- changed PY... to LY... in routine and common block names to avoid name clashes with Pythia.
- corrected bug in treatment of azimuthal angle dependence in first order QCD matrix elements.
Lepto 6.3
- new treatment of sea quarks in the target remnant, see section 2.7 and LST(35).
- implemented a model for soft colour interactions (SCI) as a mechanism to understand rapidity gap events, see section 2.8 and LST(34), PARL(7).
- new default values for PARL(8),PARL(9),PARL(10) and PYPAR(22) in connection with having SCI as default.
- Corrected bug in LFRAME, which only affected case of initial lepton with pz<0 in collider mode.
Lepto 6.4
- changed the treatment (in LEPTO) when a matrix element event failes due to mass requirements; affects the cross section for heavy flavours.
- additional options and new default for applying cut-offs against divergences in QCD matrix elements, see LST(20) and 2.5.
- the new sea quark treatment is now used for all flavours up to LST(12).
- new routine LSMALL introduced to handle small mass colour singlet systems including diquarks, see section 2.8.
- new parameter, PARL(20), to decrease the masses of the remnant partons in case of a more complicated nucleon remnant than a simple diquark, see section 2.8.
Lepto 6.5
- additional option, and new default, for use of grid to store information that speed up the calculation of the probabilities for QCD-Compton- and BGF-events, see LST(19).
- calculation speed of the probabilities for QCD-Compton- and BGF-events improved by a variable substitution in the integral.
- corrected a bug in the subroutine LEPTO, which could affect the jet cross section.
- a new parameter, PARL(12), regulates the probability for intrinsic charm, see section 2.4.
Lepto 6.5.1
- New option and default for the soft colour interactions, LST(34)=2. They now only occur between pairs of partons in the final state where one of the partons is from the proton remnant, i.e. no SCI between the perturbatively produced partons.
- New option for the sea quark treatment LST(35)=2. The virtuality of the sea quark partner can now be selected from a gaussian of width PARL(10).