Homepage of MAJOR
A Monte Carlo Generator for the Production and Decay of Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in Electron-Proton and Positron- Proton Collisions via Mixing between Light and Heavy Majorana Neutrinos or via exchange of light righthanded W-bosons.
By Johan Rathsman and Gunnar Ingelman , February 1996.
- Source code for Major 1.5.0, Feb 16, 1996
- Demonstration job
- Manual (in ps)
- Tared and gzip'd package with source code, demo job, manual and Makefile example
Related papers
Heavy Majorana Neutrinos at ep Colliders
By G.Ingelman and J.Rathsman, March 1993, Z. Phys. C 60 (1993) 243
Homepage of High Energy Physics Theory Group at ISV
Other Monte Carlo Generators
- AROMA- A Monte Carlo Generator for Heavy Flavour Events in ep Collisions
- LEPTO- A Monte Carlo Generator for Deep Inelastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering