"Partikeldagarna 2005" will take place in Lund, on 13-14 May, 2005. All sessions will take place in the Lecture Hall B of the Fysicum (Professorsgatan 1, building H on the map).
Registration deadline is April 14, 2005. Conference fee is SEK 150:-, and the dinner cost is SEK 350:- Transfers should be made to the Postgiro account 454 15 86-6, holder "Partikelfysikerna", specifying the purpose ("Partikeldagarna 2005") and the participant(s)' name(s). The registration form is available on the Web. Participants willing to give a talk are requested to fill the Contribution form.
Rooms are reserved for the participants at the following hotels:
Participants need to book themselves and mention that they participate in the Partikeldagarna. Hotel rooms should be booked at the latest 12 april 2005.
Hotel details can be found here, Participants have to pay the accomodation themselves.
The conference dinner will take place on friday 13 may.