- Brief class description:
- Cuts is a class for implementing kinematical cuts in ThePEG. The class itself only implements cuts on the total momentum of the hard sub-process, implemented as minimum and maximum values of and (or and . Further cuts can be implemented either by inheriting from this base class, in which the virtual cut() function should be overridden, or by assigning objects of class OneCutBase, TwoCutBase and MultiCutBase defining cuts on single particles, pairs of particles and groups of particles respectively.
See also ThePEG::Cuts
Name: MultiCuts
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class
- Description:
- The objects defining cuts on sets of outgoing particles from the hard sub-process.
Name: TwoCuts
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class
- Description:
- The objects defining cuts on pairs of particles in the hard sub-process.
Name: OneCuts
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class
- Description:
- The objects defining cuts on single outgoing partons from the hard sub-process.
Name: X2Max
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The maximum value of the negative light-cone fraction of the hard sub-process.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0 (May be changed by member function.)
Maximum value: 1
Name: X2Min
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The minimum value of the negative light-cone fraction of the hard sub-process.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: X1Max
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The maximum value of the positive light-cone fraction of the hard sub-process.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0 (May be changed by member function.)
Maximum value: 1
Name: X1Min
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The minimum value of the positive light-cone fraction of the hard sub-process.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: YHatMax
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The maximum value of the rapidity of the hard sub-process (wrt. the rest system of the colliding particles).
Default value: 10
Minimum value: -100 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: YHatMin
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The minimum value of the rapidity of the hard sub-process (wrt. the rest system of the colliding particles).
Default value: -10
Maximum value: 100 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: ScaleMax
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The maximum allowed value of the scale to be used in PDFs and coupling constants.
Default value: 10000
Minimum value: 0 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: ScaleMin
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The minimum allowed value of the scale to be used in PDFs and coupling constants.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1e+12 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: MHatMax
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The maximum allowed value of .
Default value: 100
Minimum value: 0 (May be changed by member function.)
Name: MHatMin
Type: Parameter
- Description:
- The minimum allowed value of .
Default value: 2
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1e+06 (May be changed by member function.)