ThePEG Namespace Reference

This is the main namespace within which all identifiers in ThePEG are declared. More...


class  FactoryBase
 Here is the documentation of the FactoryBase class. More...
class  GraphvizPlot
 The GraphvizPlot class generates an output of the tree structure of the event which can be viewed using dot. More...
class  HepMCFile
 The HepMCFile class outputs ThePEG events in HepMC format. More...
class  LWHFactory
 Here is the documentation of the LWHFactory class. More...
class  RivetAnalysis
 Here is the documentation of the RivetAnalysis class. More...
class  XSecCheck
 The XSecCheck class is a simple analysis class used for testing purposes. More...
struct  IteratorRange
 A pair of iterators to be used in specialized algorithms instead of the standard first, last construction. More...
struct  ThePEG::HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent >
 Struct for HepMC conversion. More...
struct  ZeroUnit
 Helper class to construct zero unitful quantities. More...
struct  QtyHelper
 Helper classes to extend or shorten fractions. More...
struct  ThePEG::QtyHelper< 0, II >
 Template to help with fractional powers of dimensions. More...
struct  QtyInt
 Template to help with fractional powers of dimensions. More...
class  Qty
 This template class allows the compiler to check calculations with physical quantities for dimensional correctness. More...
class  ThePEG::Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ >
 Specialization of Qty for <0,0,0> with conversions to double. More...
struct  Int2Type
 Conversion between integers and types. More...
struct  DummyType
 Dummy type for ambiguous function signatures. More...
struct  TypeTraits
 Type traits for built-in types. More...
struct  Base
 Define the base class from which all (polymorphic) classes in ThePEG are derived. More...
struct  TraitsType
 TraitsType is an empty, non-polymorphic, base class. More...
struct  Veto
 A standard exception class to be used for vetoing a whole event. More...
struct  Stop
 A standard exception class to be used to temporarily stop the generation of an event. More...
struct  QTY
 Helper class to define unitful quantities. More...
class  Cuts
 Cuts is a class for implementing kinematical cuts in ThePEG. More...
class  KTClus
 This clas implements the cuts relevant for the $\Delta R$-measure in the longitudinally invariant kt-algorithm. More...
class  KTRapidityCut
 The KTRapidityCut class is a simple concrete sub-class of OneCutbase simply requiring a minimum transverse momentum of any outgoing particle. More...
class  MultiCutBase
 This class corresponds to a kinematical cut to be made on a set of outgoing particles from a hard sub-process. More...
class  OneCutBase
 This class corresponds to a kinematical cut to be made on a single outgoing parton from a hard sub-process. More...
class  SimpleDISCut
 SimpleDISCut inherits from TwoCutBase and omplements a simple $Q^2$ cut on the a scattered lepton, either neutral or charged current. More...
class  SimpleKTCut
 This is a very simple concrete sub-class of OneCutbase simply requiring a minimum transverse momentum of any outgoing particle. More...
class  TwoCutBase
 This class corresponds to a kinematical cut to be made on a pair of particles in a hard sub-process. More...
class  V2LeptonsCut
 This class inherits from MultiCutBase and describes cuts on the invariant mass of two final state leptons corresponding to the decay of a vector boson. More...
class  Collision
 This is the decalaration of the Collision class. More...
class  ColourBase
 ColourBase is the base class to be used to supply a Particle with information about its colour state. More...
class  ColourLine
 The ColourLine class represents colour lines connecting Particles. More...
class  ColourSinglet
 A ColourSinglet object represents a set of colour-connected partons in a total colour-singlet state. More...
class  Event
 The Event class contains all Particles produced in the generation of an event. More...
struct  EventConfig
 A helper class to facilitate persistent input and output. More...
class  EventInfoBase
 EventInfoBase is a base class for information objects. More...
class  MultiColour
 This class is used to store colour information of RemnantParticle objects and other particle classes with complicated colour structures. More...
class  Particle
 The Particle class is used to describe an instance of a particle. More...
struct  ParticleTraits
 ParticleTraits is a templated class defining a general interface to any particle class. More...
struct  Transformer
 A helper class to be used in std:: algorithms to transform a range of particles. More...
class  RemnantParticle
 Here is the documentation of the RemnantParticle class. More...
class  SelectorBase
 Classes derived from the SelectorBase class are used to extract particles from an Event with Event::select() method. More...
struct  ParticleSelector
 The templated ParticleSelector class may be used to implement derived classes from the SelectorBase class. More...
class  SelectIfNot
 The SelectIfNot classes can be used to negate the meaning of another SelectorBase object. More...
class  SelectIfBoth
 The SelectIfBoth class can be used to combine other selector objects. More...
class  SelectIfEither
 The SelectIfEither class can be used to combine other selector objects. More...
class  SpinBase
 SpinBase is the base class for adding spin information to a Particle. More...
struct  AllSelector
 The AllSelector class is used to extract all particles from an event. More...
struct  FinalStateSelector
 The FinalStateSelector class is used to extract all final state particles from an event. More...
struct  IntermediateSelector
 The IntermediateSelector class is used to extract only intermediate particles from an event. More...
struct  PrimaryCollisionSelector
 The PrimaryCollisionSelector class is used to extract all particles from the primary Collision of an event. More...
struct  ChargedSelector
 The ChargedSelector class is used to extract all charged particles from an event. More...
class  Step
 The Step class contains information of all particles present after certain step in the event generation. More...
class  SubProcess
 A SubProcess object represents a hard $2\rightarrow n$ sub-process in a collision. More...
class  TmpTransform
 This is a wrapper class to be used to temporarily make a Lorentz transform of an object. More...
class  ACDCSampler
 This class inherits from SampleBase and implements the Auto Compensating Divide-and-Conquer phase space generator, ACDCGen. More...
class  AnalysisHandler
 The AnalysisHandler is the base class of all analysis objects which may be handled by the FullEventGenerator. More...
class  CascadeHandler
 The CascadeHandler is the base class of all handlers implementing perturbative partonic cascade models. More...
class  ClusterCollapser
 ClusterCollapser is a general StepHandler which can be called anywhere in the event generation (typically as a pre-handler to the hadronization or a post-hadnler to the cascade) to find colour-less clusters of partons which are deemed to have to small invariant mass to be hadronized in the normal way. More...
class  DecayHandler
 The DecayHandler is the base class of all handlers implementing the administration of decays of unstable particles. More...
class  EventHandler
 The EventHandler is the base class used to implement event handlers in ThePEG. More...
class  EventManipulator
 An object of the EventManipulator class may be assigned to a FullEventGenerator object. More...
class  FixedCMSLuminosity
 The FixedCMSLuminosity class describes an experiment with incoming particles colliding with precicely defined and opposite momenta. More...
class  FlavourGenerator
 FlavourGenerator is an abstract base class to be used to implement models describing the quark content of hadrons. More...
class  GaussianPtGenerator
 GaussianPtGenerator inherits from the abstract PtGenerator class. More...
class  HadronizationHandler
 The HadronizationHandler is the base class of all handlers implementing models for hadronization of coloured particles. More...
class  HandlerBaseT
 HandlerBaseT is a dummy abstract templated class used as base class to HandlerBase. More...
class  HandlerBase
 HandlerBase is an abstract base class derived from the Interfaced class via the HandlerBaseT class adding some functionality such as easy acces to the RandomGenerator and the StandardModel object of the controlling EventGenerator object. More...
class  HandlerGroupBase
 HandlerGroupBase is the base class for the templated HandlerGroup utility class to manage a group of StepHandlers. More...
class  HandlerGroup
 HandlerGroup is a templated utility class to manage a group of StepHandlers. More...
class  Hint
 Hint is a base class to be used to pass information between StepHandler s, which cannot be convayed through the Event record. More...
class  LastXCombInfo
 LastXCombInfo is a templated class giving easy access to the information in an XComb object. More...
class  LuminosityFunction
 The LuminosityFunction describes the momentum distribution of the incoming beams in an experiment. More...
class  MultipleInteractionHandler
 The MultipleInteractionHandler is the base class of all handlers implementing models for multiple interactions. More...
class  PtGenerator
 PtGenerator is the base for all classes implementing alternative models for transverse momentum generation. More...
class  SamplerBase
 This is the base class for all phase space sampler classes to be used by the EventHandler class to sample the phase space according to the cross sections for the processes in the EventHandler. More...
class  SimpleFlavour
 SimpleFlavour is a simple class to generate hadrons given the quark flavours. More...
class  SimpleZGenerator
 SimpleZGenerator is a very simple concrete subclass of ZGenerator. More...
class  StandardEventHandler
 The StandardEventHandler class is the main class for generating simple events without overlayed collisions. More...
class  StandardXComb
 The StandardXComb class inherits from the more general XComb class which stores all information about the generation of a hard sub-proces for a given pair of incoming particles, a pair of extracted partons, etc. More...
class  StepHandler
 StepHandler is the base class for implementing any model for a step in the event generation chain. More...
class  SubProcessHandler
 The SubProcessHandler class is used to handle a set of MEBase objects together with a PartonExtractor. More...
class  XComb
 The XComb class stores all information about the generation of a hard sub-proces for a given pair of incoming particles, a pair of extracted partons, total parton-parton energy squared and a PartonExtractor object. More...
class  ZGenerator
 ZGenerator is the base class for all classes implementing models to generate the momentum fraction, $z$, taken by hadrons produced in a hadronization scenario. More...
class  ClassDocumentationBase
 The ClassDocumentationBase class is used to communicate documetation about an Interfaced class to the Repository. More...
class  ClassDocumentation
 The ClassDocumentation class is used to communicate documetation about an Interfaced class to the Repository. More...
class  CommandBase
 The CommandBase and its templated Command sub-class defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which arbitratry command strings can be sent and received. More...
class  Command
 The CommandBase and its templated Command sub-class defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which arbitratry command strings can be sent and received. More...
class  DeletedBase
 The DeletedBase and its templated Deleted sub-class defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase. More...
class  Deleted
 The DeletedBase and its templated Deleted sub-class defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase. More...
class  InterfaceBase
 The InterfaceBase class defines a generic interface to any class derived from the InterfacedBase class. More...
class  RefInterfaceBase
 RefInterfaceBase is an abstract base class inheriting from InterfaceBase used for subclasses dealing with interfaces to do with references in one Interfaced object to another. More...
class  Interfaced
 The Interfaced class is derived from the InterfacedBase class adding a couple of things particular to ThePEG, in an attempt to keep the InterfacedBase class as generic as possible. More...
class  InterfacedBase
 InterfacedBase is the base class of all Interfaced objects to be handled by the BaseRepository class. More...
class  ParameterBase
 The Parameter and its base classes ParameterTBase and ParameterBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  ParameterTBase
 The Parameter and its base classes ParameterTBase and ParameterBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  Parameter
 The Parameter and its base classes ParameterTBase and ParameterBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  ThePEG::ParameterTBase< string >
 This is a specialization of ParameterTBase for the string case. More...
class  ThePEG::Parameter< T, string >
 This is a partial specialization of Parameter for the string case. More...
class  ParVectorBase
 The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  ParVectorTBase
 The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  ParVector
 The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
class  ReferenceBase
 The Reference class and its base class ReferenceBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which pointers to other InterfacedBase objects may be manipulated. More...
class  Reference
 The Reference and its base class ReferenceBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which pointers to other InterfacedBase objects may be manipulated. More...
class  RefVectorBase
 The RefVector and its base class RefVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of pointers to other InterfacedBase objects may be manipulated. More...
class  RefVector
 The RefVector and its base class RefVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of pointers to other InterfacedBase objects may be manipulated. More...
class  SwitchOption
 SwitchOption is used by the Switch class and its base class SwitchBase to define valid options in a switch. More...
class  SwitchBase
 The Switch class and its base class SwitchBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which simple integer member variables can be manuipulated and set to a pre-defined set of values (options). More...
class  Switch
 The Switch class and its base class SwitchBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which simple integer member variables can be manuipulated and set to a pre-defined set of values (options). More...
class  HEPRUP
 The HEPRUP class is a simple container corresponding to the Les Houches accord (hep-ph/0109068) common block with the same name. More...
class  HEPEUP
 The HEPEUP class is a simple container corresponding to the Les Houches accord (hep-ph/0109068) common block with the same name. More...
class  LesHouchesEventHandler
 The LesHouchesEventHandler inherits from the general EventHandler class and administers the reading of events generated by external matrix element generator programs according to the Les Houches accord. More...
class  LesHouchesFileReader
 LesHouchesFileReader is an base class to be used for objects which reads event files from matrix element generators. More...
class  LesHouchesReader
 LesHouchesReader is an abstract base class to be used for objects which reads event files or streams from matrix element generators. More...
class  MadGraphOneCut
 Objects of the MadGraphOneCut class can be created automatically by the MadGraphReader class when scanning event files for information about cuts. More...
class  MadGraphReader
 MadGraphReader inherits from LesHouchesFileReader and is able to read event files produced by the MadGraph/MadEvent program. More...
class  MadGraphTwoCut
 Objects of the MadGraphTwoCut class can be created automatically by the MadGraphReader class when scanning event files for information about cuts. More...
class  Amplitude
 The Amplitude class is the abstract base class for all the classes representing complex amplitudes associated with either a hard 2$\rightarrow$ N subprocess or a decay 1$\rightarrow$ N process. More...
class  ColourLines
 The ColourLines class defines the colour flow in a SubProcess. More...
class  DiagramBase
 DiagramBase is the base class of all classes which describes Feynman diagrams which can be generated by a matrix element class inheriting from MEBase, as reported by the MEBase::includedDiagrams() method. More...
class  ME2to2Base
 ME2to2Base can be used as a base class for any matrix element class implementing 2$\rightarrow$ 2 processes. More...
class  ME2to2QCD
 The ME2to2QCD class inherits from the ME2to2Base class and can be used as a sub class for all QCD 2$\rightarrow$ 2 processes. More...
class  MEBase
 The MEBase class is the base class of all objects representing hard matrix elements in ThePEG. More...
class  MECuts
 The MECuts class is (currently not at all) used to make cuts on generated phase space points for the hard interaction. More...
class  MEee2gZ2qq
 The MEee2gZ2qq class implements the $e^+e^-\rightarrow\gamma/Z^0\rightarrow q\bar{q}$ matrix element. More...
class  MEGG2GG
 MEGG2GG inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $gg\rightarrow gg$ matrix element. More...
class  MEGG2QQ
 MEGG2QQ inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $gg\rightarrow gq\bar{q}$ matrix element. More...
class  MENCDIS
 The MENCDIS class implements the $e^\pm q\rightarrow e^\pm q$ matrix element. More...
class  MEQG2QG
 MEQG2QG inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $qg\rightarrow qg$ matrix element. More...
class  MEQQ2GG
 MEQQ2GG inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $q\bar{q}\rightarrow gg$ matrix element. More...
class  MEqq2qq
 MEqq2qq inherits from the ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $q_i\bar{q}_i\rightarrow q_i\bar{q}_i$ matrix element. More...
class  MEQQ2qq
 MEQQ2qq inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $q\bar{q}\rightarrow q'\bar{q'}$ matrix element. More...
class  MEQQ2QQ
 MEQQ2QQ inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $q_iq_i\rightarrow q_iq_i$ matrix element. More...
class  MEQq2Qq
 MEQq2Qq inherits from ME2to2QCD and implements the standard $q_iq_j\rightarrow q_iq_j$ mmatrix element. More...
class  ReweightBase
 The ReweightBase class is the base class of all objects representing external biases to matrix elements. More...
class  ReweightConstant
 The ReweightConstant class is a simple ReweightBase sub-class which simply reweight an event with a constant. More...
class  ReweightMinPT
 The ReweightMinPT class reweights matrix elements with the minimum of the transverse momenta of the outgoing partons to some power. More...
class  Tree2toNDiagram
 The Tree2toNDiagram class inherits from DiagramBase and represents a Feynman tree diagram. More...
class  BeamParticleData
 BeamParticleData inherits from the ParticleData class and is used for particles which have information about their sub-structure implemented as a pointer to a PDFBase object. More...
class  GRV94L
 GRV94L inherits from PDFBase via the GRVBase class and implements the GRV94L parton densities for (anti) protons and neutrons. More...
class  GRV94M
 GRV94M iherits from PDFBase via the GRVBase class and implements the GRV94M parton densities for (anti) protons ad neutrons. More...
class  GRVBase
 GRVBase inherits from PDFBase and is used as a base class for all GRV parton densities. More...
class  LeptonLeptonPDF
 LeptonLeptonPDF inherits from PDFBase and encodes the distribution of leptons within leptons, ie. More...
class  LeptonLeptonRemnant
 LeptonLeptonRemnant inherits from the RemnantHandler and implements the generation of a single collinear photon remnant when a lepton is extracted from a lepton. More...
class  LHAPDF
 The LHAPDF class inherits from PDFBase and implements an interface to the LHAPDF library of parton density function parameterizations. More...
class  NoPDF
 NoPDF inherits from PDFBase and represents particles without sub-structure. More...
class  NoRemnants
 NoRemnants inherits from RemnantHandler but can only handle particles without sub-structure with the parton density given by a NoPDF object and will never give any remnants. More...
class  PartonBin
 The PartonBin class is used by the PartonExtractor class to store information about the extraction of a parton from a particle. More...
class  PartonBinInstance
 PartonBinInstance is used to store information about the generation of a given parton extraction for a corresponding PartonBin object. More...
struct  RemInfoBase
 Empty base class. More...
class  PartonExtractor
 The PartonExtractor is a base class defining the interface to objects responsible for extracting partons from particles. More...
class  PDF
 PDF is a simple wrapper class with normal copy-semantics which holds a PDFBase object and a ParticleData object for which to determine parton densities. More...
class  PDFBase
 PDFBase is the base class for implementing parton density functions for particles with sub-structure. More...
struct  ThePEG::BaseClassTrait< PDFBase, 1 >
 This template specialization informs ThePEG about the \ base classes of PDFBase . More...
struct  ThePEG::ClassTraits< PDFBase >
 This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of \ the PDFBase class and the shared object where it is defined. More...
class  PDFCuts
 The PDFCuts class is used to specify cuts on scale and momentum fractions for which a PDFBase object is expected to give parton densities. More...
class  RemnantHandler
 RemnantHandler is an abstract base class for implementing classes used to generate remnants when partons are extracted from particles. More...
class  SoftRemnantHandler
 SoftRemnantHandler inherits from the RemnantHandler and implements the generation of a single collinear RemnantParticle when anything is extracted from anything else. More...
class  WeizsackerWilliamsPDF
 Here is the documentation of the WeizsackerWilliamsPDF class. More...
class  BreitWignerMass
 BreitWignerMass is derived from MassGenerator and is able to generate the mass for a particle given its nominal mass and its with. More...
class  ColourPairDecayer
 ColourPairDecayer inherits from the FlatDecayer class and performs decays according to phase space into two or more particles, some of which may be coloured. More...
struct  AndMatcher
 The AndMatcher class represents the boolean and operation between its two template argument classes of base type MatcherBase. More...
struct  OrMatcher
 The OrMatcher class represents the boolean or operation between its two template argument classes of base type MatcherBase. More...
struct  NotMatcher
 The NotMatcher class represents the boolean not operation for its template argument class of base type MatcherBase. More...
class  ConstituentParticleData
 ConstituentParticleData inherits from the ParticleData class and is used for quarks, diquarks and gluons to store information about their constituent mass. More...
class  DalitzDecayer
 The DalitzDecayer inherits from the Decayer class and performs Dalitz decays into $\gamma e^+ e^-$. More...
class  Decayer
 Decayer is an abstract base class to specify objects modelling the decay of a particle. More...
class  DecayMode
 The DecayMode class describes a decay channel of a particle. More...
class  DummyDecayer
 DummyDecayer inherits from Decayer and is a dummy decayer class to be used for symbolic decay channels. More...
class  FlatDecayer
 The FlatDecayer class inrerits from the abstract Decayer class and implements the decay of a given Particle to a given set of children according to a flat phase space distribution. More...
class  MassGenerator
 MassGenerator is an abstract base class used by the ParticleData class to generate a mass for a Particle instance. More...
class  Matcher
 Matcher is a templated class inheriting from MatcherBase. More...
struct  MatcherType
 MatcherType is an empty non-polymorphic base class for all matcher classes to be used as template argument to Matcher. More...
class  MatcherBase
 MatcherBase is an abstract base class to be used for objects representing groups of ParticleData objects. More...
class  OmegaPhi3PiDecayer
 The OmegaPhi3PiDecayer class inherits from performs FlatDecayer and will reweight the flat phase space suitable to describe the decay of a $\phi$ or an $\omega$ into $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$. More...
class  Onium3GDecayer
 The Onium3GDecayer class inherits from performs FlatDecayer and will reweight the flat phase space suitable to describe the decay of a spin-1 onium resonance into three gluons or two gluons and a photon. More...
class  ParticleData
 ParticleData inherits from InterfacedBase and represents the properties of a particle type. More...
class  PDT
 PDT is a helper class implementing enumerations for charge, colour and spin to be used by the ParticleData class. More...
class  QuarksToHadronsDecayer
 The QuarksToHadronsDecayer class inherits from Decayer and is able to decay particles to $n_q$ (2 or 4) quarks which then are decayed to hadrons according to phase space. More...
class  RemnantData
 The RemnantData class is not a normal ParticleData class. More...
class  RemnantDecayer
 The RemnantDecayer class is the base class to be used for all decayers capable of decaying a RemnantParticle object produced by a SoftRemnantHandler object. More...
class  SimpleBaryonRemnantDecayer
 The SimpleBaryonRemnantDecayer class inherits from the RemnantDecayer class and is able to decay RemnantParticles produced by the SoftRemnantHandler class for the cases when a single parton has been extracted from a baryon. More...
struct  AnyMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any particle. More...
struct  ChargedMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any charged particle. More...
struct  PositiveMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any positively charged particle. More...
struct  NeutralMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any uncharged particle. More...
struct  NegativeMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any negatively charged particle. More...
struct  BaryonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any baryon. More...
struct  MesonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any meson. More...
struct  DiquarkMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any (anti-)diquark. More...
struct  QuarkMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any (anti-)quark. More...
struct  LeptonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any lepton. More...
struct  LightQuarkMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any light quark (d,u or s). More...
struct  LightAntiQuarkMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any light anti-quark ($\bar{\mbox{d}}$,$\bar{\mbox{u}}$ or $\bar{\mbox{s}}$). More...
struct  StandardQCDPartonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any standard QCD parton, ie. More...
struct  PseudoScalarMesonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any pseudo scalar meson. More...
struct  VectorMesonMatcher
 A Matcher class which matches any vector meson. More...
class  Tau2HadronsDecayer
 The Tau2HadronsDecayer class inherits FlatDecayer and can perform the decays of tau to neutrino + hadrons according to phase space, with an extra weight $x_\nu(3-x_\nu)$. More...
class  V2PPDecayer
 The V2PPDecayer class performs the decay of a vector meson into two pseudo-scalars according to a flat phase space. More...
class  WeakToHadronsDecayer
 The WeakToHadronsDecayer class inherits from QuarksToHadronsDecayer and can performs weak decays of taus and charmed and bottom hadrons. More...
class  WidthGenerator
 WidthGenerator is an abstract base class to be used to encapsulate models for giving the partial decay width of a ParticleData given the specified DecayModes. More...
class  InputDescription
 InputDescription objects are used by the PersistentIStream class to keep track of all classes it has read from a stream. More...
class  PersistentIStream
 PersistentIStream is used to read persistent objects from a stream where they were previously written using PersistentOStream. More...
class  PersistentOStream
 PersistentOStream is used to write objects persistently to a stream from which they can be read in again with a PersistentIStream. More...
class  BaseRepository
 BaseRepository is a purely static class which keeps a set of InterfacedBase objects indexed by their name. More...
class  CurrentGenerator
 This CurrentGenerator class keeps a static stack of EventGenerators which can be used anywhere by any class. More...
class  EventGenerator
 The EventGenerator class manages a whole event generator run. More...
class  Main
 This is a base class for classes implementing a main steering routine for running an EventGenerator, in case the standard 'go()' function in the EventGenerator is not enough. More...
class  MultiEventGenerator
 The MultiEventGenerator class is derived from the EventGenerator class and is capable of making several runs with a pre-defined set of parameter and switch values. More...
class  RandomGenerator
 RandomGenerator is an interface to the CLHEP::RandomEngine classes. More...
class  Repository
 Repository inherits from the BaseRepository class. More...
class  StandardRandom
 StandardRandom inherits from the RandomGenerator class and is an interface to the CLHEP::JamesRandom engine class. More...
class  Strategy
 The Strategy class represents a general strategy to be assigned to an EventGenerator. More...
class  ThePEGStrategy
 The ThePEGStrategy class is a sub-class of the Strategy class, simply implementing the correct citation for ThePEG in the ClassDocumentation interface. More...
class  UseRandom
 This UseRandom class keeps a static stack of RandomGenerator objects which can be used anywhere by any class. More...
class  AlphaEMBase
 AlphaEMBase an abstract base class used by the StandardModelBase class to implement the electro-magnetic coupling. More...
class  AlphaSBase
 AlphaSBase is an abstract base class used by the StandardModelBase to implement the QCD coupling, $\alpha_S$. More...
class  CKMBase
 CKMBase is an abstract base classused by the StandardModelBase to implement the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Mascawa mixing matrix. More...
class  O1AlphaS
 O1AlphaS inherits from AlphaSBase and implements the leading order running QCD coupling. More...
class  RunningCoupling
 RunningCoupling an abstract base class unifying the treatment of running couplings in ThePEG. More...
class  SimpleAlphaEM
 SimpleAlphaEM inherits from AlphaEMBase and implements a simple running of the electromagnetic coupling as parameterized by H. More...
class  StandardCKM
 StandardCKM inherits from CKMBase and implements the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix in terms of three angles and a phase. More...
class  StandardModelBase
 StandardModelBase is used to handle standard model parameters in an EventGenerator. More...
class  CFileLineReader
 CFileLineReader is a wrapper around a standard C FILE stream. More...
class  ClassDescriptionBase
 ClassDescriptionBase is the base class for all class description classes. More...
struct  ClassDescriptionHelper
 A helper class for tracing the base classes of a class to be described. More...
class  ClassDescriptionTBase
 An intermediate templated base class derived from ClassDescriptionBase. More...
class  AbstractClassDescription
 A concreate implementation of ClassDescriptionBase describing an abstract class with persistent data. More...
class  ClassDescription
 A concreate implementation of ClassDescriptionBase describing a concrete class with persistent data. More...
class  NoPIOClassDescription
 A concreate implementation of ClassDescriptionBase describing a concrete class without persistent data. More...
class  AbstractNoPIOClassDescription
 A concreate implementation of ClassDescriptionBase describing an abstract class without persistent data. More...
struct  ClassTraitsType
 ClassTraitsType is an empty, non-polymorphic, base class. More...
struct  ClassTraitsBase
 The templated ClassTraitsBase class defines a set of default information about classes used by ThePEG. More...
struct  ClassTraits
 The default concrete implementation of ClassTraitsBase. More...
struct  BaseClassTrait
 BaseClassTraits describes the base classes of the templated class. More...
class  CompSelector
 The CompSelector class works like the Selector class in that it can be used to randomly select objects according to associated probabilities. More...
class  Current
 The Current class keeps a static stack of objects of the templated class, which can be used anywhere by any class. More...
class  Debug
 The Debug class defines a number of debug levels and a static public member giving the current debug level in a run. More...
class  DescriptionList
 The DescriptionList keeps a static list of descriptions of classes included in the current run. More...
class  Direction
 A Direction object can be used to specify that some following operations should be assumed to be performed with the z-direction of the momenta reversed. More...
class  DIterator
 DIterator is an iterator adaptor class. More...
class  DynamicLoader
 DynamicLoader is the general interface to the dynamic loader functions of the underlying operating system. More...
struct  OEnum
 The OEnum helper class is used to facilitate output of enums to persistent streams. More...
struct  IEnum
 The IEnum helper class is used to facilitate input of enums from persistent streams. More...
class  Exception
 Exception is the base class for all exceptions to be used in ThePEG. More...
class  HoldFlag
 HoldFlag objects are used to temporarily change the value of an object, restoring the original value when the HoldFlag object is destructed. More...
class  ThePEG::HoldFlag< bool >
 Specialization of HoldFlag for boolean variables. More...
class  Interval
 An Interval object is used to represent an interval [ lower(), upper() ) where the ordering is defined by the bool operator()(const T &, const T &) const member of the CMP class (by defaut less<T>). More...
class  Level
 Level is used to increment temporarily a given integer variable. More...
class  LoopGuard
 A LoopGuard object can be used to throw an exception if a loop is iterated too many times. More...
class  MaxCmp
 MaxCmp is a helper class to be used in a loop where one would like to keep track of the largest value so far of a certain expression. More...
class  Named
 The Named class is a simple concrete base class to used by classes of objects with a name. More...
class  ObjectIndexer
 This is a templated class which dynamically associates (reference counted) objects to indices. More...
class  Rebinder
 Rebinder is a class associating pairs of pointers to objects. More...
class  Selector
 Selector is a templated class for storing objects associated with probabilities in a way such that, given a flat random number between 0 and 1, an object can be selected according to its relative probability. More...
struct  SimplePhaseSpace
 SimplePhaseSpace defines a set of static functions to be used for distributing momenta evenly in phase space. More...
class  StringUtils
 The StringUtils class contains a few static utility functions for basic strings. More...
struct  Throw
 Helper function to make it easier to throw exceptions. More...
struct  Triplet
 The Triplet class represents a general triplet of objects completely analogous to std::pair. More...
struct  TypeInfo
 TypeInfo is a simple wrapper around the ClassDescription system in ThePEG. More...
struct  OUnit
 The OUnit< class is used to facilitate output of unitful numbers to a persistent stream. More...
struct  IUnit
 The IUnit class is used to facilitate input of unitful numbers from and to a persistent stream. More...
struct  OUnitErr
 OUnitErr is used to write out unitful numbers with an error estimate on a standard ostream. More...
struct  IUnitErr
 The IUnitErr class is used to facilitate input of unitful numbers with error estimates written out using the OUnitErr class. More...
struct  UtilityBase
 UtilityBase is a base class implementing a number of static utility functions. More...
struct  Utilities
 Concrete class with UtilityBase as base class. More...
class  VSelector
 VSelector is a templated class for storing objects associated with probabilities in a way such that, given a flat random number between 0 and 1, an object can be selected according to its relative probability. More...
class  XSecStat
 XSecStat is a concrete helper class used to collect statistics about the cross section for a specific process or group of processes. More...
class  HepMCConverter
 The HepMCConverter defines only one public static function which converts a ThePEG::Event object to a HepMC::GenEvent. More...
struct  HepMCTraitsBase
 HepMCTraitsBase is a convenient base class for specializing the HepMCTraits class to deal with different flavours of HepMC in the HepMCConverter class. More...
struct  HepMCTraits
 The HepMCTraits class is used to deal with different flavours of HepMC in the HepMCConverter class. More...
class  Lorentz5Vector
 The Lorentz5Vector inherits from the LorentzVector class. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< Lorentz5Vector< T >, double >
 Template for multiplication by scalar. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< double, Lorentz5Vector< U > >
 Template for multiplication by scalar. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< Lorentz5Vector< T >, std::complex< U > >
 Template for multiplication for complex and Lorentz5Vector. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< std::complex< T >, Lorentz5Vector< U > >
 Template for multiplication by scalar. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< Lorentz5Vector< T >, Lorentz5Vector< U > >
 Template for multiplication of two Lorentz5Vectors. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< LorentzVector< T >, Lorentz5Vector< U > >
 Template for multiplication for LorentzVector and Lorentz5Vector. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< Lorentz5Vector< T >, LorentzVector< U > >
 Template for multiplication for LorentzVector and Lorentz5Vector. More...
class  LorentzRotation
 The LorentzRotation class combine a SpinOneLorentzRotation and a spin SpinHalfLorentzRotation to provide members which can perform the Lorentz transformation of any object. More...
class  LorentzVector
 A 4-component Lorentz vector. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< LorentzVector< T >, U >
 Template for multiplication by scalar. More...
struct  ThePEG::BinaryOpTraits< T, LorentzVector< U > >
 Template for multiplication by scalar. More...
class  SpinHalfLorentzRotation
 The SpinHalfLorentzRotation class is designed to offer the same features as the HepLorentzRotation class of CLHEP but for the spin-$\frac12$ Lorentz transformation. More...
class  SpinOneLorentzRotation
 The SpinOneLorentzRotation class is . More...
class  ThreeVector
 A 3-component vector. More...
class  Transverse
 Transverse represents the transverse components of a LorentzVector. More...


namespace  Constants
 The Constants namespace containing some useful physical constants with suitable units.
namespace  Group
 Namespace to encapsulate enums related to HandlerGroups.
namespace  Helicity
 The Helicity namespace contains classes for spin representation classes in ThePEG.
namespace  Interface
 The Interface namespace declares a number of enums to set options for subclasses of InteracedBase.
namespace  Math
 The Math namespace includes the declaration of some useful mathematical functions.
namespace  ParticleID
 The ParticleID namespace defines the ParticleCodes enumeration.
namespace  Pointer
 The namespace for the reference counted pointer classes.
namespace  UnitRemoval
 Use symbols from this namespace to make forced breaks of unit consistency explicit.
namespace  Units
 The Units namespace contains the declaration of a number of classes for variables with dimension.


typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::FactoryBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::FactoryBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::FactoryBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::FactoryBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::FactoryBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::FactoryBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::FactoryBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::FactoryBase .
typedef std::complex< double > Complex
 ThePEG code should use Complex for all complex scalars.
typedef vector< PDPtrPDVector
 A vector of pointers to ParticleData objects.
typedef vector< cPDPtrcPDVector
 A vector of pointers to const ParticleData objects.
typedef vector< tPDPtrtPDVector
 A vector of transient pointers to ParticleData objects.
typedef vector< tcPDPtrtcPDVector
 A vector of transient pointers to const ParticleData objects.
typedef vector< IBPtrIVector
 A vector of pointers to InterfacedBase objects.
typedef vector< cIBPtrCIVector
 A vector of pointers to const InterfacedBase objects.
typedef vector< PPtrParticleVector
 A vector of pointers to Particle objects.
typedef vector< PPtrPVector
 A vector of pointers to Particle objects.
typedef vector< cPPtrcPVector
 A vector of pointers to const Particle objects.
typedef vector< tPPtrtPVector
 A vector of transient pointers to Particle objects.
typedef vector< tcPPtrtcPVector
 A vector of transient pointers to const Particle objects.
typedef Rebinder< InterfacedBaseTranslationMap
 A rebinder for InterfacedBase objects.
typedef vector< AnaPtrAnalysisVector
 A vector of pointers to AnalysisHandler objects.
typedef pair< PDPtr, PDPtrPDPair
 A pair of pointers to ParticleData objects.
typedef pair< cPDPtr, cPDPtrcPDPair
 A pair of pointers to const ParticleData objects.
typedef pair< tPDPtr, tPDPtrtPDPair
 A pair of transient pointers to ParticleData objects.
typedef pair< tcPDPtr, tcPDPtrtcPDPair
 A pair of transient pointers to const ParticleData objects.
typedef pair< PPtr, PPtrPPair
 A pair of pointers to Particle objects.
typedef pair< cPPtr, cPPtrcPPair
 A pair of pointers to const Particle objects.
typedef pair< tPPtr, tPPtrtPPair
 A pair of transient pointers to const Particle objects.
typedef pair< tcPPtr, tcPPtrtcPPair
 A pair of transient pointers to const Particle objects.
typedef Interval< Energy2 > SInterval
 An Interval in scale.
typedef vector< SIntervalSIntervalVector
 A vector of intervals of scales.
typedef vector< tPDPairtPartonPairVec
 A vector of pairs of transient pointers to PartonBins.
typedef pair< tColinePtr,
 A pair of transient pointers to ColourLine objects.
typedef vector< Energy > EnergyVector
 A vector of energies.
typedef vector< EIPtrEIVector
 A vector of pointers to EventInfoBase objects.
typedef vector< double > DVector
 A vector of doubles.
typedef pair< double, double > DPair
 A pair of doubles.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< InterfacedBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to InterfacedBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< InterfacedBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const InterfacedBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< InterfacedBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to InterfacedBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< InterfacedBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const InterfacedBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Interfaced >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Interfaced .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Interfaced >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Interfaced .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Interfaced >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Interfaced .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Interfaced >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Interfaced .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ParticleData >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ParticleData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ParticleData >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ParticleData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ParticleData >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ParticleData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ParticleData >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ParticleData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MatcherBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to MatcherBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MatcherBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MatcherBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MatcherBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to MatcherBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MatcherBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const MatcherBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to DecayMode .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DecayMode .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >
 Alias for a transient pointer to DecayMode .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const DecayMode .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Particle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Particle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Particle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Particle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventGenerator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventGenerator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StepHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to StepHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StepHandler >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StepHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StepHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to StepHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StepHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const StepHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Hint .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Hint .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Hint .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Hint .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< HadronizationHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to HadronizationHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< HadronizationHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const HadronizationHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< HadronizationHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to HadronizationHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< HadronizationHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const HadronizationHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< CascadeHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to CascadeHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< CascadeHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const CascadeHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< CascadeHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to CascadeHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< CascadeHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const CascadeHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultipleInteractionHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to MultipleInteractionHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultipleInteractionHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MultipleInteractionHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultipleInteractionHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to MultipleInteractionHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultipleInteractionHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const MultipleInteractionHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DecayHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to DecayHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DecayHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DecayHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DecayHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to DecayHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DecayHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const DecayHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PileupHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to PileupHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PileupHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PileupHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PileupHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to PileupHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PileupHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const PileupHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LuminosityFunction >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to LuminosityFunction .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LuminosityFunction >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LuminosityFunction .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LuminosityFunction >
 Alias for a transient pointer to LuminosityFunction .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LuminosityFunction >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const LuminosityFunction .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonExtractor >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonExtractor .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonExtractor >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonExtractor .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonExtractor >
 Alias for a transient pointer to PartonExtractor .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonExtractor >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonExtractor .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RandomGenerator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to RandomGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RandomGenerator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RandomGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RandomGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to RandomGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RandomGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const RandomGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventManipulator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventManipulator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventManipulator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventManipulator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventManipulator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventManipulator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventManipulator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventManipulator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Decayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Decayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Decayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Decayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Event .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Event .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Event .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Event .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Collision .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Collision .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Collision .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Collision .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Step .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Step .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Step .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Step .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcess >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to SubProcess .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcess >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SubProcess .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcess >
 Alias for a transient pointer to SubProcess .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcess >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const SubProcess .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Strategy .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Strategy .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Strategy .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Strategy .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to XComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const XComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >
 Alias for a transient pointer to XComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const XComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemnantHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to RemnantHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemnantHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RemnantHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemnantHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to RemnantHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemnantHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const RemnantHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to PDFBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PDFBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to PDFBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const PDFBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardModelBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardModelBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardModelBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardModelBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardModelBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to StandardModelBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardModelBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardModelBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ColourBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ColourBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ColourBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ColourBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to SpinBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SpinBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to SpinBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const SpinBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventInfoBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventInfoBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventInfoBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< EventInfoBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ReweightBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ReweightBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ReweightBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ReweightBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ReweightBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ReweightBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ReweightBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ReweightBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourLine >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ColourLine .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourLine >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ColourLine .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourLine >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ColourLine .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ColourLine >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ColourLine .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Base .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Base .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Base .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Base .
typedef Int2Type< Dimensioned > DimensionT
 Typedef for dimensioned types.
typedef Int2Type< Standard > StandardT
 Typedef for non-dimensioned types.
typedef Base PersistentBase
 Define the base class from which all persistent classes in ThePEG are derived.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Cuts .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Cuts .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Cuts .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Cuts .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultiCutBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to MultiCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultiCutBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MultiCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultiCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to MultiCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MultiCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const MultiCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< OneCutBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to OneCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< OneCutBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const OneCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< OneCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to OneCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< OneCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const OneCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< TwoCutBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to TwoCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< TwoCutBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const TwoCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< TwoCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to TwoCutBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< TwoCutBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const TwoCutBase .
typedef Base EventRecordBase
 EventRecordBase is the base class of all event record classes.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to const EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to const EventRecordBase.
typedef Rebinder< EventRecordBaseEventTranslationMap
 Alias for a rebinder object able to relate pointers to original objects to pointers to their clones.
typedef Particle ParticleClass
 ParticleClass is the name used for Particle in the event record classes.
typedef ParticleData ParticleDataClass
 ParticleDataClass is the name used for ParticleData in the event record classes.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to const ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >
 Alias for a transient pointer to const ParticleDataClass.
typedef vector< tPPtrtParticleVector
 A vector of transient pointers to Particle.
typedef set< PPtr, less< PPtr > > ParticleSet
 A set of pointers to Particle.
typedef set< tPPtr, less< tPPtr > > tParticleSet
 A set of transient pointers to Particle.
typedef set< tcPPtr, less
< tcPPtr > > 
 A set of transient pointers to const Particle.
typedef vector< StepPtrStepVector
 A vector of pointers to Step.
typedef vector< SubProPtrSubProcessVector
 A vector of pointers to SubProcess.
typedef vector< tSubProPtrtSubProcessVector
 A vector of transient pointers to SubProcess.
typedef vector< CollPtrCollisionVector
 A vector of pointers to Collision.
typedef set< StepPtr, less
< StepPtr > > 
 A set of pointers to Step.
typedef set< SubProPtr, less
< SubProPtr > > 
 A set of pointers to SubProcess.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantParticle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantParticle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantParticle .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantParticle .
typedef ParticleSelector
< AllSelector
 Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all particles from an event.
typedef ParticleSelector
< FinalStateSelector
 Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all final state particles from an event.
typedef ParticleSelector
< IntermediateSelector
 Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all intermediate particles from an event.
typedef ParticleSelector
< PrimaryCollisionSelector
 Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all particles from the primary Collision of an event.
typedef ParticleSelector
< ChargedSelector
 Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all charged particles from an event.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< AnalysisHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ClusterCollapser >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ClusterCollapser .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ClusterCollapser >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ClusterCollapser .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ClusterCollapser >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ClusterCollapser .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ClusterCollapser >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ClusterCollapser .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SamplerBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to SamplerBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SamplerBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SamplerBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SamplerBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to SamplerBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SamplerBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const SamplerBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardEventHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardEventHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardEventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to StandardEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardEventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardXComb >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardXComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardXComb >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardXComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardXComb >
 Alias for a transient pointer to StandardXComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< StandardXComb >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardXComb .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcessHandler >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to SubProcessHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcessHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SubProcessHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcessHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to SubProcessHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< SubProcessHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const SubProcessHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesEventHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to LesHouchesEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesEventHandler >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LesHouchesEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesEventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to LesHouchesEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesEventHandler >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const LesHouchesEventHandler .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesReader >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to LesHouchesReader .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesReader >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LesHouchesReader .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesReader >
 Alias for a transient pointer to LesHouchesReader .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< LesHouchesReader >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const LesHouchesReader .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DiagramBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to DiagramBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DiagramBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DiagramBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DiagramBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to DiagramBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< DiagramBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const DiagramBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to MEBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MEBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to MEBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const MEBase .
typedef vector< MEPtrMEVector
 A vector of pointers to MEBase objects.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonBin .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonBin .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >
 Alias for a transient pointer to PartonBin .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonBin .
typedef vector< PBPtrPartonVector
 A vector of pointers to PartonBin objects.
typedef pair< PBPtr, PBPtrPBPair
 A pair of pointers to ParicleBin objects.
typedef pair< tcPBPtr, tcPBPtrtcPBPair
 A pair of pointers to ParicleBin objects.
typedef vector< PBPairPartonPairVec
 A vector of pairs of pointers to PartonBins.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonBinInstance >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonBinInstance .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonBinInstance >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonBinInstance .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonBinInstance >
 Alias for a transient pointer to PartonBinInstance .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< PartonBinInstance >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonBinInstance .
typedef pair< PBIPtr, PBIPtrPBIPair
 A pair of pointers to PartonBinInstance objects.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemInfoBase >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to RemInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemInfoBase >::const_pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RemInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemInfoBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to RemInfoBase .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< RemInfoBase >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const RemInfoBase .
typedef multiset< tPDPtr, less
< tPDPtr > > 
 A multiset of tPDPtr .
typedef multiset< tPMPtr, less
< tPMPtr > > 
 A multiset of tPMPtr .
typedef multiset< tDMPtr, less
< tDMPtr > > 
 A multiset of tDMPtr .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MassGenerator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to MassGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MassGenerator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MassGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MassGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to MassGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< MassGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const MassGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< FlavourGenerator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to FlavourGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< FlavourGenerator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const FlavourGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< FlavourGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to FlavourGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< FlavourGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const FlavourGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantData >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantData >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantData >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantData >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantData .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >
 Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .
typedef Matcher< AnyMatcherMatchAny
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on AnyMatcher.
typedef Matcher< ChargedMatcherMatchCharged
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on ChargedMatcher.
typedef Matcher< PositiveMatcherMatchPositive
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on PositiveMatcher.
typedef Matcher< NeutralMatcherMatchNeutral
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on NeutralMatcher.
typedef Matcher< NegativeMatcherMatchNegative
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on NegativeMatcher.
typedef Matcher< BaryonMatcherMatchBaryon
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on BaryonMatcher.
typedef Matcher< MesonMatcherMatchMeson
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on MesonMatcher.
typedef Matcher< DiquarkMatcherMatchDiquark
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on DiquarkMatcher.
typedef Matcher< QuarkMatcherMatchQuark
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on QuarkMatcher.
typedef Matcher< LeptonMatcherMatchLepton
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on LeptonMatcher.
typedef Matcher
< LightQuarkMatcher
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on LightQuarkMatcher.
typedef Matcher
< LightAntiQuarkMatcher
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on LightAntiQuarkMatcher.
typedef Matcher
< StandardQCDPartonMatcher
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on StandardQCDPartonMatcher.
typedef Matcher
< PseudoScalarMesonMatcher
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on PseudoScalarMesonMatcher.
typedef Matcher
< VectorMesonMatcher
 Gives a MatcherBase class based on VectorMesonMatcher.
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< WidthGenerator >::pointer 
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to WidthGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< WidthGenerator >
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const WidthGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< WidthGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to WidthGenerator .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr
< WidthGenerator >
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const WidthGenerator .
typedef PersistentIStream &(* PersistentIManip )(PersistentIStream &)
 Defines a manipulator function type.
typedef PersistentOStream &(* PersistentOManip )(PersistentOStream &)
 Defines a manipulator function type.
typedef Interval< double > DInterval
 An interval of doubles.


enum  ImplSelector { Dimensioned, Standard }


template<typename Container>
IteratorRange< typename
Container::iterator > 
range (Container &c)
 Return an IteratorRange corresponding to the whole container.
template<typename Container>
IteratorRange< typename
Container::const_iterator > 
range (const Container &c)
 Return an IteratorRange of const iterators corresponding to the whole container.
template<typename Container>
IteratorRange< typename
Container::reverse_iterator > 
rrange (Container &c)
 Return an IteratorRange of reverse iterators corresponding to the whole container.
template<typename Container>
IteratorRange< typename
Container::const_reverse_iterator > 
rrange (const Container &c)
 Return an IteratorRange of reverse const iterators corresponding to the whole container.
template<typename Iterator, typename FNC>
FNC for_each (IteratorRange< Iterator > r, FNC f)
 The std::for_each function taking an IteratorRange as argument.
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
Iterator find (IteratorRange< Iterator > r, const T &t)
 The std::find function taking an IteratorRange as argument.
template<typename Iterator, typename Pred>
Iterator find_if (IteratorRange< Iterator > r, Pred p)
 The std::find_if function taking an IteratorRange as argument.
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
void replace (IteratorRange< Iterator > r, const T &oval, const T &nval)
 The std::replace function taking an IteratorRange as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename FNC>
FNC for_each (Cont &c, FNC f)
 The std::for_each function taking a whole container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename FNC>
FNC for_each (const Cont &c, FNC f)
 The std::for_each function taking a whole const container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename Type>
Cont::iterator find (Cont &c, const Type &t)
 The std::find function taking a whole container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename Type>
Cont::const_iterator find (const Cont &c, const Type &t)
 The std::find function taking a whole const container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename Pred>
Cont::iterator find_if (Cont &c, const Pred &p)
 The std::find_if function taking a whole container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename Pred>
Cont::const_iterator find_if (const Cont &c, const Pred &p)
 The std::find_if function taking a whole const container as argument.
template<typename Cont, typename T>
void replace (Cont &c, const T &oval, const T &nval)
 The std::replace function taking a whole container as argument.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (PDPtr, ParticleDataSet)
 A set of pointers to ParticleData objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (PMPtr, MatcherSet)
 A set of pointers to MatcherBase objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (DMPtr, DecayModeSet)
 A set of pointers to DecayMode objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (IBPtr, ObjectSet)
 A set of pointers to InterfacedBase objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (IBPtr, DependencySet)
 A set of pointers to InterfacedBase objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_MAP (long, PDPtr, ParticleMap)
 A map relating integers to ParticleData objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_MAP (string, IBPtr, ObjectMap)
 A map relating character strings to InterfacedBase objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_MAP (IBPtr, DependencySet, DependencyMap)
 A map relating InterfacedBase objects to corresponding DependencySet containers.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_MAP (string, const InterfaceBase *, InterfaceMap)
 A map relating character strings to bare pointers to InterfaceBase objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_MAP (string, EGPtr, GeneratorMap)
 A map relating character strings to EventGenerator objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (tDMPtr, DecaySet)
 A set of pointers to DecayMode objects.
 ThePEG_DECLARE_SET (string, StringSet)
 A set oc character strings.
double sqrt (int x)
 Square root of an integer.
template<typename Container, typename Key>
bool member (const Container &c, const Key &k)
 Check if a given object is a part of a container.
template<typename T, typename Key>
bool member (const vector< T > &v, const Key &k)
 Check if a given object is a part of a vector.
template<typename Cont>
std::insert_iterator< Cont > inserter (Cont &c)
 Return a insert iterator for a given container.
ostream & left (ostream &os)
 Stream manipulator setting an ostream to left-adjust its ouput.
ostream & right (ostream &os)
 Stream manipulator setting an ostream to right-adjust its ouput.
template<typename T>
BinaryOpTraits< T, T >::MulT sqr (const T &x)
 The square function should really have been included in the standard C++ library.
template<typename T>
abs (const T &t)
 The templated abs function should really have been included in the standard C++ library.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Collision &)
 Output a Collision to a standard ostream.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Event &)
 Output a Event to a standard ostream.
void printGraphviz (ostream &, tcEventPtr)
 Print event tree in Graphviz format, ready for plotting.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Particle &)
 Write a Particle object to a stream.
template<typename OutputIterator, typename Container>
void copyIfCheck (OutputIterator r, const Container &c, const SelectorBase &s)
 Helper function to be used together with SelectorBase objects.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const Step &)
 Output a Step to an ostream.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const SubProcess &)
 Output a SubProcess to an ostream.
template<typename HDLR>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const HandlerGroup< HDLR > &hg)
 Output a HandlerGroup to a PersistentOStream.
template<typename HDLR>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, HandlerGroup< HDLR > &hg)
 Input a HandlerGroup from a PersistentIStream.
double operator/ (string, string)
 Dummy function to ensure that strings can be used as arguments also where numbers are assumed.
string operator* (double, string)
 Dummy function to ensure that strings can be used as arguments also where numbers are assumed.
template<typename T>
void putUnitImpl (ostream &os, T v, T u, DimensionT)
 Helper functions for putUnit.
template<typename T>
void putUnitImpl (ostream &os, T v, T u, StandardT)
 Helper functions for putUnit.
template<typename T>
void putUnitImpl2 (ostream &os, T v, T u, DimensionT)
 Helper function for putUnit.
template<typename T>
void putUnitImpl2 (ostream &os, T v, T u, StandardT)
 Helper function for putUnit.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const HEPEUP &h)
 Stream output for HEPEUP.
template<typename IStream>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, PDT::Colour &c)
 Input a colour from a stream.
template<typename IStream>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, PDT::Charge &c)
 Input a charge from a stream.
template<typename IStream>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, PDT::Spin &s)
 Input a spin from a stream.
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, PersistentIManip func)
 Operator for applying manipulators to the stream.
PersistentIStreampedantic (PersistentIStream &is)
 The manipulator for setting pedantic mode.
PersistentIStreamtolerant (PersistentIStream &is)
 The manipulator for setting tolerant mode.
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, PersistentOManip func)
 Operator for applying manipulators to the stream.
PersistentOStreamflush (PersistentOStream &os)
 The manipulator for calling PersistentOStream::flush().
PersistentOStreampush (PersistentOStream &os)
 The manipulator for calling PersistentOStream::push().
PersistentOStreampop (PersistentOStream &os)
 The manipulator for calling PersistentOStream::pop().
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const CompSelector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Output a Selector to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, CompSelector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Input a Selector from a stream.
template<typename T>
OEnum< T > oenum (const T &t)
 Helper function to create an OEnum object for a given variable.
template<typename T>
IEnum< T > ienum (T &t)
 Helper function to create an IEnum object for a given variable.
template<typename OStream, typename T>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const OEnum< T > &e)
 Overloading of operator<< for OEnum.
template<typename IStream, typename T>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, const IEnum< T > &e)
 Overloading of operator<< for IEnum.
template<typename T, typename CMP>
Interval< T, CMP > makeInterval (T dn, T up)
 Helper function to create an interval of a type determined by the parameters.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const Interval< T, CMP > &i)
 Ouptut an interval to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, Interval< T, CMP > &i)
 Input an interval from a stream.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const Interval< T, CMP > &i, UT &u)
 Output an interval of a diminsionful type to a stream using the given unit.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, Interval< T, CMP > &i, UT &u)
 Input an interval of a diminsionful type from a stream using the given unit.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const Selector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Output a Selector to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, Selector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Input a Selector from a stream.
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > makeTriplet (const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3)
 Helper function returning a Triplet with template parameters determined by the arguments.
template<typename OStream, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > &t)
 Output a Triplet to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > &t)
 Input a Triplet from a stream.
template<typename T, typename UT>
OUnit< T, UT > ounit (const T &t, const UT &ut)
 Helper function creating a OUnit object given an object and a unit.
template<typename T, typename UT>
IUnit< T, UT > iunit (T &t, const UT &ut)
 Helper function creating a IUnit object given an object and a unit.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const T &t, UT &u)
 Helper function writing out an object with a given unit to an output stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, T &t, UT &u)
 Helper function reading an object with a given unit from an input stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, std::complex< T > &t, UT &u)
 Helper function reading a complex object with a given unit from an input stream.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const OUnit< T, UT > &u)
 Output an OUnit object to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, const IUnit< T, UT > &u)
 Input an IUnit object from a stream.
template<typename T, typename UT>
OUnitErr< T, UT > ouniterr (const T &t, const T &dt, const UT &ut)
 Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.
OUnitErr< double, double > ouniterr (double t, double dt)
 Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const OUnitErr< T, UT > &u)
 Output an OUnitErr object to a stream.
template<typename T, typename UT>
IUnitErr< T, UT > iuniterr (T &t, T &dt, const UT &ut)
 Helper function creating a IUnitErr object.
IUnitErr< double, double > iuniterr (double &t, double &dt)
 Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, const IUnitErr< T, UT > &u)
 Input an IUnit object from a stream.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const VSelector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Output a VSelector to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename WeightType>
IStream & operator>> (IStream &is, VSelector< T, WeightType > &s)
 Input a VSelector from a stream.
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &, const XSecStat &)
 Ouptut an XSecStat to a persistent stream.
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &, XSecStat &)
 Input an XSecStat from a persistent stream.
XSecStat operator+ (const XSecStat &x1, const XSecStat &x2)
 Add the contents of two XSecStat objects.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const Lorentz5Vector< T > &p, UT &u)
 Output a Lorentz5Vector to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, Lorentz5Vector< T > &p, UT &u)
 Input a Lorentz5Vector from a stream.
LorentzRotation inverseOf (const LorentzRotation &lt)
 Global method to get the inverse.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LorentzRotation &lt)
 output operator
template<typename Value>
bool operator== (const LorentzVector< Value > &a, const LorentzVector< Value > &b)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const LorentzVector< double > &v)
 Stream output. Format $(x,y,z;t)$.
template<typename Value>
double dirPlus (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Return the positive light-cone component.
template<typename Value>
double dirMinus (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Return the negative light-cone component.
template<typename Value>
double dirZ (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Return the component along the positive z-axis.
template<typename Value>
double dirTheta (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Return the polar angle wrt.
template<typename Value>
double dirCosTheta (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Return the cosine of the polar angle wrt.
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > dirBoostVector (const LorentzVector< Value > &p)
 Get the boost vector for the LorentzVector.
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > lightCone (Value plus, Value minus, Value x, Value y)
 Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > lightCone (Value plus, Value minus)
 Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone components.
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > lightCone (Value plus, Value minus, Transverse< Value > pt)
 Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > lightConeDir (Value plus, Value minus, Value x=Value(), Value y=Value())
 Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > lightConeDir (Value plus, Value minus, Transverse< Value > pt)
 Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.
template<typename OStream, typename UnitT, typename Value>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const LorentzVector< Value > &p, UnitT &u)
 Output a LorentzVector with units to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename UnitT, typename Value>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, LorentzVector< Value > &p, UnitT &u)
 Input a LorentzVector with units from a stream.
SpinHalfLorentzRotation inverseOf (const SpinHalfLorentzRotation &lt)
 Global method to get the inverse.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpinHalfLorentzRotation &lt)
 output operator
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpinOneLorentzRotation &lt)
 output operator
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ThreeVector< double > &v)
 Stream output. Format $(x,y,z)$.
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
operator* (const ThreeVector< ValueA > &a, const ThreeVector< ValueB > &b)
 Vector dot product.
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< double > unitVector (const ThreeVector< Value > &v)
 A parallel vector with unit length.
template<typename OStream, typename UT, typename Value>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const ThreeVector< Value > &p, UT &u)
 Output a ThreeVector with units to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename UT, typename Value>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, ThreeVector< Value > &p, UT &u)
 Input a ThreeVector with units from a stream.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const Transverse< T > &p, UT &u)
 Output a Transverse with units to a stream.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, Transverse< T > &p, UT &u)
 Input a Transverse with units from a stream.
template<typename Value>
Transverse< Value > operator* (Transverse< Value > a, double b)
 Multiply a Transverse with a number.
template<typename Value>
Transverse< Value > operator* (double b, Transverse< Value > a)
 Multiply a number with a Transverse.
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (ValueB a, const Transverse< ValueA > &v)
 Multiply a (unitful) number with a Transverse.
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (const Transverse< ValueA > &v, ValueB a)
 Multiply a Transverse with a (unitful) number.
template<typename Value>
Transverse< double > operator/ (const Transverse< Value > &v, Value a)
 Divide a Transverse by a number.
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::DivT > 
operator/ (const Transverse< ValueA > &v, ValueB b)
 Divide a Transverse by a (unitful) number.
Global shift operators to simplify adding and removing
objects to containers.

template<typename T, typename U>
vector< T > & operator<< (vector< T > &tv, const U &u)
 Overload the left shift operator for vector to push_back objects to a vector.
template<typename T, typename U>
vector< T > & operator>> (vector< T > &tv, U &u)
 Overload the right shift operator for vector to pop objects from a vector.
template<typename T, typename U>
stack< T > & operator<< (stack< T > &ts, const U &u)
 Overload the left shift operator for stack to push objects to a vector.
template<typename T, typename U>
stack< T > & operator>> (stack< T > &ts, U &u)
 Overload the right shift operator for stack to pop objects from a stack.
template<typename T, typename U>
deque< T > & operator<< (deque< T > &td, const U &u)
 Overload the left shift operator for deque to push_back objects to a deque.
template<typename T, typename U>
deque< T > & operator>> (deque< T > &td, U &u)
 Overload the right shift operator for vector to pop objects from a deque.
template<typename T, typename U>
set< T > & operator<< (set< T > &ts, const U &u)
 Overload the left shift operator for std::set to insert objects in a set.
Functions for I/O of containers of objects with unit.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename Alloc, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const vector< T, Alloc > &v, UT &u)
 Ouput a vector of objects with the specified unit.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename Alloc, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, vector< T, Alloc > &v, UT &u)
 Input a vector of objects with the specified unit.
template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const set< T, CMP, A > &s, UT &u)
 Ouput a set of objects with the specified unit.
template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, set< T, CMP, A > &s, UT &u)
 Input a set of objects with the specified unit.
template<typename OStream, typename K, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ounitstream (OStream &os, const map< K, T, CMP, A > &m, UT &u)
 Ouput a map of keys and objects where the objects are output with the specified unit.
template<typename IStream, typename K, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void iunitstream (IStream &is, map< K, T, CMP, A > &m, UT &u)
 Input a map of keys and objects where the objects are input with the specified unit.
Overloads for mathematical operations
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2+L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2+E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2+Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator* (std::complex< Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > > q1, std::complex< Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< 2 *L, 2 *E,
2 *Q, DL, DE, DQ > > 
operator* (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< double > operator- (std::complex< double > q1, std::complex< Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator* (std::complex< double > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty<-L,-E,-Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator/ (std::complex< double > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty<-L,-E,-Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator/ (std::complex< double > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator/ (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator/ (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< double > operator/ (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< double > operator/ (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< double > operator/ (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2-L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2-E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2-Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator/ (std::complex< Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > > q1, std::complex< Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2-L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2-E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2-Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator/ (Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > q1, std::complex< Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2-L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2-E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2-Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator/ (std::complex< Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > > q1, Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator* (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2+L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2+E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2+Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator* (Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > q1, std::complex< Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< 2 *L, 2 *E,
2 *Q, DL, DE, DQ > > 
operator* (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator* (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > 
operator* (std::complex< double > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
std::complex< Qty< L1 *DL2+L2
*DL1, E1 *DE2+E2 *DE1, Q1 *DQ2+Q2
*DQ1, DL1 *DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1
*DQ2 > > 
operator* (std::complex< Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > > q1, Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< 2 *L, 2 *E,
2 *Q, DL, DE, DQ > > 
operator* (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > & 
operator*= (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > &q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > & 
operator*= (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > &q1, double q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > & 
operator/= (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > &q1, std::complex< double > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL,
DE, DQ > > & 
operator/= (std::complex< Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > > &q1, double q2)
Overloads for mathematical operations on physical quantities.
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
Qty< L1 *DL2+L2 *DL1, E1 *DE2+E2
*DE1, Q1 *DQ2+Q2 *DQ1, DL1
*DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1 *DQ2 > 
operator* (Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > q1, Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L1, int L2, int E1, int E2, int Q1, int Q2, int DL1, int DL2, int DE1, int DE2, int DQ1, int DQ2>
Qty< L1 *DL2-L2 *DL1, E1 *DE2-E2
*DE1, Q1 *DQ2-Q2 *DQ1, DL1
*DL2, DE1 *DE2, DQ1 *DQ2 > 
operator/ (Qty< L1, E1, Q1, DL1, DE1, DQ1 > q1, Qty< L2, E2, Q2, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator+ (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator- (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator== (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator!= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator< (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator<= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator> (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
bool operator>= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator== (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator!= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator< (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator> (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator<= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
bool operator>= (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator* (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q, double x)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator* (double x, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator/ (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q, double x)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty<-L,-E,-Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator/ (double x, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > operator- (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< 2 *L, 2 *E, 2 *Q, DL, DE, DQ > sqr (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL *2, DE *2, DQ *2 > sqrt (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
double atan2 (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > y, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > x)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > abs (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int P, int R, int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< P *L, P *E, P *Q, R *DL,
R *DE, R *DQ > 
pow (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > max (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > max (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > max (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > max (ZeroUnit, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1)
template<int DL, int DE, int DQ>
double max (double q1, Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int DL, int DE, int DQ>
double max (Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ > q1, double q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ, int DL2, int DE2, int DQ2>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > min (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< QtyInt< L, DL, DL2 >::I, QtyInt< E, DE, DE2 >::I, QtyInt< Q, DQ, DQ2 >::I, DL2, DE2, DQ2 > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > min (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > min (Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1, ZeroUnit)
template<int L, int E, int Q, int DL, int DE, int DQ>
Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > min (ZeroUnit, Qty< L, E, Q, DL, DE, DQ > q1)
template<int DL, int DE, int DQ>
double min (double q1, Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ > q2)
template<int DL, int DE, int DQ>
double min (Qty< 0, 0, 0, DL, DE, DQ > q1, double q2)
Partial specializations of operator>> for input of

template<typename T1, typename T2>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, pair< T1, T2 > &p)
 Input a pair of objects.
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, map< Key, T, Cmp, A > &m)
 Input a map of key/objects pairs.
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, multimap< Key, T, Cmp, A > &m)
 Input a multimap of key/objects pairs.
template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, set< Key, Cmp, A > &s)
 Input a set of objects.
template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, multiset< Key, Cmp, A > &s)
 Input a multoset of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, list< T, A > &l)
 Input a list of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, vector< T, A > &v)
 Input a vector of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStreamoperator>> (PersistentIStream &is, deque< T, A > &d)
 Input a deque of objects.
Partial specializations of operator<< for output of

template<typename T1, typename T2>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const pair< T1, T2 > &p)
 Output a pair of objects.
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const multimap< Key, T, Cmp, A > &m)
 Output a multimap of key/object pairs.
template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const map< Key, T, Cmp, A > &m)
 Output a map of key/object pairs.
template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const set< Key, Cmp, A > &s)
 Output a set of objects.
template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const multiset< Key, Cmp, A > &s)
 Output a multiset of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const list< T, A > &l)
 Output a list of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const vector< T, A > &v)
 Output a vector of objects.
template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentOStreamoperator<< (PersistentOStream &os, const deque< T, A > &d)
 Output a deque of objects.
Dot product overloads.
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
operator* (const Lorentz5Vector< ValueA > &a, const Lorentz5Vector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
operator* (const LorentzVector< ValueA > &a, const Lorentz5Vector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
operator* (const Lorentz5Vector< ValueA > &a, const LorentzVector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename Value>
BinaryOpTraits< Value, Value >
operator* (const Lorentz5Vector< Value > &a, const Lorentz5Vector< Value > &b)
Basic mathematical operations
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< double > operator/ (const LorentzVector< Value > &v, Value a)
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > operator- (const LorentzVector< Value > &v)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
LorentzVector< ValueA > operator+ (LorentzVector< ValueA > a, const LorentzVector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
LorentzVector< ValueA > operator- (LorentzVector< ValueA > a, const LorentzVector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > operator* (const LorentzVector< Value > &a, double b)
template<typename Value>
LorentzVector< Value > operator* (double b, LorentzVector< Value > a)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
LorentzVector< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (ValueB a, const LorentzVector< ValueA > &v)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
LorentzVector< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (const LorentzVector< ValueA > &v, ValueB b)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
LorentzVector< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::DivT > 
operator/ (const LorentzVector< ValueA > &v, ValueB b)
Scalar product with metric \f$(+,-,-,-)\f$
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
operator* (const LorentzVector< ValueA > &a, const LorentzVector< ValueB > &b)
template<typename Value>
BinaryOpTraits< Value, Value >
operator* (const LorentzVector< Value > &a, const LorentzVector< Value > &b)
Basic mathematical operations
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > operator+ (ThreeVector< Value > a, const ThreeVector< Value > &b)
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > operator- (ThreeVector< Value > a, const ThreeVector< Value > &b)
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > operator- (const ThreeVector< Value > &v)
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > operator* (ThreeVector< Value > v, double a)
template<typename Value>
ThreeVector< Value > operator* (double a, ThreeVector< Value > v)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
ThreeVector< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (ValueB a, ThreeVector< ValueA > v)
template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
ThreeVector< typename
BinaryOpTraits< ValueA, ValueB >
::MulT > 
operator* (ThreeVector< ValueA > v, ValueB a)


const ZeroUnit ZERO = ZeroUnit()
 ZERO can be used as zero for any unitful quantity.

Detailed Description

This is the main namespace within which all identifiers in ThePEG are declared.

External packages based on ThePEG should not introduce identifiers in the ThePEG namespace, but in a separate namespace which need not be nested within the ThePEG namespace.

Typedef Documentation

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 12 of file AnalysisHandler.fh.

typedef vector<AnaPtr> ThePEG::AnalysisVector

A vector of pointers to AnalysisHandler objects.

Definition at line 97 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 80 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >::pointer ThePEG::BPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Base .

Definition at line 97 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file AnalysisHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< AnalysisHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cAnaPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 80 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to CascadeHandler .

Definition at line 73 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >::const_pointer ThePEG::cBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Base .

Definition at line 97 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourBase >::pointer ThePEG::CBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ColourBase .

Definition at line 92 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< CascadeHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cCascHdlPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const CascadeHandler .

Definition at line 73 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cCBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ColourBase .

Definition at line 92 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ClusterCollapser .

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterCollapser.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourLine >::const_pointer ThePEG::cColinePtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ColourLine .

Definition at line 96 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >::const_pointer ThePEG::cCollPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Collision .

Definition at line 84 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >::const_pointer ThePEG::cCutsPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Cuts .

Definition at line 13 of file Cuts.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >::const_pointer ThePEG::cDecayerPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Decayer .

Definition at line 82 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cDecayHdlPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DecayHandler .

Definition at line 75 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DiagramBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cDiagPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DiagramBase .

Definition at line 13 of file DiagramBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >::const_pointer ThePEG::cDMPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const DecayMode .

Definition at line 66 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventGenerator >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEGPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventGenerator .

Definition at line 68 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEHPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventHandler .

Definition at line 69 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventInfoBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEIPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventInfoBase .

Definition at line 94 of file Pointers.h.

typedef Ptr<EventRecordBase>::const_pointer ThePEG::cEventBasePtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to const EventRecordBase.

Definition at line 45 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef Ptr<ParticleDataClass>::const_pointer ThePEG::cEventPDPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to const ParticleDataClass.

Definition at line 65 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEventPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Event .

Definition at line 83 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const EventManipulator .

Definition at line 81 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const FlavourGenerator .

Definition at line 18 of file QuarksToHadronsDecayer.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .

Definition at line 20 of file GeneralVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const HadronizationHandler .

Definition at line 72 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >::const_pointer ThePEG::cHintPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Hint .

Definition at line 71 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::FactoryBase .

Definition at line 12 of file FactoryBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< InterfacedBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cIBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const InterfacedBase .

Definition at line 62 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Interfaced >::const_pointer ThePEG::cIPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Interfaced .

Definition at line 63 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<cIBPtr> ThePEG::CIVector

A vector of pointers to const InterfacedBase objects.

Definition at line 70 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LesHouchesEventHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LesHouchesReader .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesReader.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const LuminosityFunction .

Definition at line 77 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ClusterCollapser .

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterCollapser.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MassGenerator >::const_pointer ThePEG::cMassGenPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MassGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file MassGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cMEPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MEBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MEBase.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MultipleInteractionHandler .

Definition at line 74 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MultiCutBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cMultiCutPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MultiCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MultiCutBase.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ColourLine .

Definition at line 96 of file Pointers.h.

A vector of pointers to Collision.

Definition at line 88 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >::pointer ThePEG::CollPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Collision .

Definition at line 84 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< OneCutBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cOneCutPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const OneCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file OneCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBinInstance >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPBIPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonBinInstance .

Definition at line 18 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonBin .

Definition at line 13 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPDFPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PDFBase .

Definition at line 90 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<cPDPtr, cPDPtr> ThePEG::cPDPair

A pair of pointers to const ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 103 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ParticleData >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPDPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ParticleData .

Definition at line 64 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<cPDPtr> ThePEG::cPDVector

A vector of pointers to const ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 36 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonExtractor >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPExtrPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PartonExtractor .

Definition at line 78 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PileupHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPileHdlPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const PileupHandler .

Definition at line 76 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MatcherBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPMPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const MatcherBase .

Definition at line 65 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<cPPtr, cPPtr> ThePEG::cPPair

A pair of pointers to const Particle objects.

Definition at line 115 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >::const_pointer ThePEG::cPPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Particle .

Definition at line 67 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<cPPtr> ThePEG::cPVector

A vector of pointers to const Particle objects.

Definition at line 79 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RandomGenerator >::const_pointer ThePEG::cRanGenPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RandomGenerator .

Definition at line 79 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantDecayer.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemnantHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cRemHPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RemnantHandler .

Definition at line 89 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemInfoBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cRemIPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const RemInfoBase .

Definition at line 22 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantData .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantData.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantParticle .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantParticle.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ReweightBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cReweightPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const ReweightBase .

Definition at line 95 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SamplerBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cSamplerPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SamplerBase .

Definition at line 12 of file SamplerBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardModelBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cSMPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardModelBase .

Definition at line 91 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cSpinPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SpinBase .

Definition at line 93 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardEventHandler .

Definition at line 14 of file StandardEventHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardXComb >::const_pointer ThePEG::cStdXCombPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StandardXComb .

Definition at line 13 of file StandardXComb.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StepHandler >::const_pointer ThePEG::cStepHdlPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const StepHandler .

Definition at line 70 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >::const_pointer ThePEG::cStepPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Step .

Definition at line 85 of file Pointers.h.

typedef Ptr< Strategy >::const_pointer ThePEG::cStrategyPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const Strategy .

Declare a pointer to a const Strategy object.

Definition at line 87 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SubProcessHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file SubProcessHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SubProcess >::const_pointer ThePEG::cSubProPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const SubProcess .

Definition at line 86 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< TwoCutBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cTwoCutPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const TwoCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file TwoCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >::pointer ThePEG::CutsPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Cuts .

Definition at line 12 of file Cuts.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const WidthGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file WidthGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >::const_pointer ThePEG::cXCombPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const XComb .

Definition at line 88 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >::pointer ThePEG::DecayerPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Decayer .

Definition at line 82 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to DecayHandler .

Definition at line 75 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to DiagramBase .

Definition at line 13 of file DiagramBase.fh.

typedef Interval<double> ThePEG::DInterval

An interval of doubles.

Definition at line 192 of file Interval.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >::pointer ThePEG::DMPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to DecayMode .

Definition at line 66 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<double,double> ThePEG::DPair

A pair of doubles.

Definition at line 151 of file Containers.h.

typedef vector<double> ThePEG::DVector

A vector of doubles.

Definition at line 148 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventGenerator .

Definition at line 68 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventHandler >::pointer ThePEG::EHPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventHandler .

Definition at line 69 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventInfoBase .

Definition at line 94 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<EIPtr> ThePEG::EIVector

A vector of pointers to EventInfoBase objects.

Definition at line 145 of file Containers.h.

typedef vector<Energy> ThePEG::EnergyVector

A vector of energies.

Definition at line 142 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventRecordBase.

Definition at line 43 of file EventConfig.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ParticleDataClass.

Definition at line 63 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >::pointer ThePEG::EventPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Event .

Definition at line 83 of file Pointers.h.

EventRecordBase is the base class of all event record classes.

It must be typedefed to a class which allows for garbage collection, since none of the event record classes are deleted explicitly.

Definition at line 41 of file EventConfig.h.

Alias for a rebinder object able to relate pointers to original objects to pointers to their clones.

Definition at line 53 of file EventConfig.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventManipulator .

Definition at line 81 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to FlavourGenerator .

Definition at line 18 of file QuarksToHadronsDecayer.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .

Definition at line 20 of file GeneralVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to HadronizationHandler .

Definition at line 72 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >::pointer ThePEG::HintPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Hint .

Definition at line 71 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::FactoryBase .

Definition at line 11 of file FactoryBase.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to InterfacedBase .

Definition at line 62 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Interfaced >::pointer ThePEG::IPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Interfaced .

Definition at line 63 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<IBPtr> ThePEG::IVector

A vector of pointers to InterfacedBase objects.

Definition at line 67 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to LesHouchesEventHandler .

Definition at line 12 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to LesHouchesReader .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesReader.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to LuminosityFunction .

Definition at line 77 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to MassGenerator .

Definition at line 12 of file MassGenerator.fh.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on AnyMatcher.

Definition at line 49 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on BaryonMatcher.

Definition at line 141 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on ChargedMatcher.

Definition at line 67 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on DiquarkMatcher.

Definition at line 183 of file StandardMatchers.h.

typedef multiset< tPMPtr , less< tPMPtr > > ThePEG::MatcherMSet

A multiset of tPMPtr .

Definition at line 22 of file DecayMode.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on LeptonMatcher.

Definition at line 223 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on LightAntiQuarkMatcher.

Definition at line 268 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on LightQuarkMatcher.

Definition at line 245 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on MesonMatcher.

Definition at line 162 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on NegativeMatcher.

Definition at line 121 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on NeutralMatcher.

Definition at line 104 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on PositiveMatcher.

Definition at line 86 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on PseudoScalarMesonMatcher.

Definition at line 312 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on QuarkMatcher.

Definition at line 203 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on StandardQCDPartonMatcher.

Definition at line 290 of file StandardMatchers.h.

Gives a MatcherBase class based on VectorMesonMatcher.

Definition at line 334 of file StandardMatchers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >::pointer ThePEG::MEPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to MEBase .

Definition at line 12 of file MEBase.fh.

typedef vector<MEPtr> ThePEG::MEVector

A vector of pointers to MEBase objects.

Definition at line 16 of file MEBase.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to MultipleInteractionHandler .

Definition at line 74 of file Pointers.h.

typedef multiset< tDMPtr , less< tDMPtr > > ThePEG::ModeMSet

A multiset of tDMPtr .

Definition at line 23 of file DecayMode.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to MultiCutBase .

Definition at line 12 of file MultiCutBase.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to OneCutBase .

Definition at line 12 of file OneCutBase.fh.

ParticleClass is the name used for Particle in the event record classes.

Definition at line 57 of file EventConfig.h.

ParticleDataClass is the name used for ParticleData in the event record classes.

Definition at line 60 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef multiset< tPDPtr , less< tPDPtr > > ThePEG::ParticleMSet

A multiset of tPDPtr .

Definition at line 21 of file DecayMode.h.

typedef set<PPtr, less<PPtr> > ThePEG::ParticleSet

A set of pointers to Particle.

Definition at line 76 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef vector< PPtr > ThePEG::ParticleVector

A vector of pointers to Particle objects.

A vector of pointers to Particle.

Definition at line 73 of file Containers.h.

typedef vector<PBPair> ThePEG::PartonPairVec

A vector of pairs of pointers to PartonBins.

Definition at line 25 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef vector<PBPtr> ThePEG::PartonVector

A vector of pointers to PartonBin objects.

Definition at line 16 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef pair<PBIPtr,PBIPtr> ThePEG::PBIPair

A pair of pointers to PartonBinInstance objects.

Definition at line 20 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonBinInstance .

Definition at line 18 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

typedef pair<PBPtr, PBPtr> ThePEG::PBPair

A pair of pointers to ParicleBin objects.

Definition at line 19 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >::pointer ThePEG::PBPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonBin .

Definition at line 12 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >::pointer ThePEG::PDFPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to PDFBase .

Definition at line 90 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<PDPtr, PDPtr> ThePEG::PDPair

A pair of pointers to ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 100 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ParticleData >::pointer ThePEG::PDPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ParticleData .

Definition at line 64 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<PDPtr> ThePEG::PDVector

A vector of pointers to ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 33 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to PartonExtractor .

Definition at line 78 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PileupHandler >::pointer ThePEG::PileHdlPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to PileupHandler .

Definition at line 76 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MatcherBase >::pointer ThePEG::PMPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to MatcherBase .

Definition at line 65 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<PPtr, PPtr> ThePEG::PPair

A pair of pointers to Particle objects.

Definition at line 112 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >::pointer ThePEG::PPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Particle .

Definition at line 67 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<PPtr> ThePEG::PVector

A vector of pointers to Particle objects.

Definition at line 76 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to RandomGenerator .

Definition at line 79 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantDecayer.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to RemnantHandler .

Definition at line 89 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to RemInfoBase .

Definition at line 22 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantData .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantData.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ThePEG::RemnantParticle .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantParticle.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to ReweightBase .

Definition at line 95 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to SamplerBase .

Definition at line 12 of file SamplerBase.fh.

Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all particles from an event.

Definition at line 66 of file StandardSelectors.h.

Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all charged particles from an event.

Definition at line 207 of file StandardSelectors.h.

Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all final state particles from an event.

Definition at line 94 of file StandardSelectors.h.

Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all intermediate particles from an event.

Definition at line 139 of file StandardSelectors.h.

Typedef to declare a selector used to extract all particles from the primary Collision of an event.

Definition at line 184 of file StandardSelectors.h.

typedef Interval<Energy2> ThePEG::SInterval

An Interval in scale.

Definition at line 124 of file Containers.h.

A vector of intervals of scales.

Definition at line 127 of file Containers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardModelBase .

Definition at line 91 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >::pointer ThePEG::SpinPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to SpinBase .

Definition at line 93 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardEventHandler .

Definition at line 14 of file StandardEventHandler.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to StandardXComb .

Definition at line 12 of file StandardXComb.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to StepHandler .

Definition at line 70 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >::pointer ThePEG::StepPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Step .

Definition at line 85 of file Pointers.h.

typedef set<StepPtr, less<StepPtr> > ThePEG::StepSet

A set of pointers to Step.

Definition at line 90 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef vector<StepPtr> ThePEG::StepVector

A vector of pointers to Step.

Definition at line 82 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef Ptr< Strategy >::pointer ThePEG::StrategyPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to Strategy .

Declare a pointer to a Strategy object.

Definition at line 87 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to SubProcessHandler .

Definition at line 12 of file SubProcessHandler.fh.

A set of pointers to SubProcess.

Definition at line 92 of file EventConfig.h.

A vector of pointers to SubProcess.

Definition at line 84 of file EventConfig.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to SubProcess .

Definition at line 86 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVVertex.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< AnalysisHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tAnalysisHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file AnalysisHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< AnalysisHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tAnaPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 80 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Base .

Definition at line 97 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractFFVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractFFVVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractSSTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractSSTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVSVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVSVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVTVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVTVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVertex.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::AbstractVVVVVertex .

Definition at line 25 of file AbstractVVVVVertex.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< AnalysisHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcAnalysisHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file AnalysisHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< AnalysisHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcAnaPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const AnalysisHandler .

Definition at line 80 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< CascadeHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tCascHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to CascadeHandler .

Definition at line 73 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Base >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Base .

Definition at line 97 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tCBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ColourBase .

Definition at line 92 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< CascadeHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcCascHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const CascadeHandler .

Definition at line 73 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcCBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ColourBase .

Definition at line 92 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ClusterCollapser >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcClusterCollapserPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ClusterCollapser .

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterCollapser.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourLine >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcColinePtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ColourLine .

Definition at line 96 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcCollPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Collision .

Definition at line 84 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcCutsPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Cuts .

Definition at line 13 of file Cuts.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcDecayerPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Decayer .

Definition at line 82 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcDecayHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const DecayHandler .

Definition at line 75 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DiagramBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcDiagPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const DiagramBase .

Definition at line 13 of file DiagramBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcDMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const DecayMode .

Definition at line 66 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventGenerator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEGPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventGenerator .

Definition at line 68 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventHandler .

Definition at line 69 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventInfoBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventInfoBase .

Definition at line 94 of file Pointers.h.

typedef Ptr<EventRecordBase>::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEventBasePtr

Alias for a transient pointer to const EventRecordBase.

Definition at line 49 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef Ptr<ParticleDataClass>::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEventPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to const ParticleDataClass.

Definition at line 69 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEventPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Event .

Definition at line 83 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventManipulator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEvtManipPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const EventManipulator .

Definition at line 81 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< FlavourGenerator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcFlavGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const FlavourGenerator .

Definition at line 18 of file QuarksToHadronsDecayer.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .

Definition at line 20 of file GeneralVVSVertex.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< HadronizationHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcHadrHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const HadronizationHandler .

Definition at line 72 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcHintPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Hint .

Definition at line 71 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::FactoryBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcHistFacPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::FactoryBase .

Definition at line 12 of file FactoryBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< InterfacedBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcIBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const InterfacedBase .

Definition at line 62 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Interfaced >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Interfaced .

Definition at line 63 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to a const LesHouchesEventHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< LesHouchesReader >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcLesHouchesReaderPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const LesHouchesReader .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesReader.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< LuminosityFunction >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcLumiFnPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const LuminosityFunction .

Definition at line 77 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to ClusterCollapser .

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterCollapser.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MassGenerator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcMassGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const MassGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file MassGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcMEPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const MEBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MEBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MultipleInteractionHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcMIHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const MultipleInteractionHandler .

Definition at line 74 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MultiCutBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcMultiCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const MultiCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MultiCutBase.fh.

A pair of transient pointers to ColourLine objects.

Definition at line 133 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ColourLine >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tColinePtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ColourLine .

Definition at line 96 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Collision >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tCollPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Collision .

Definition at line 84 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< OneCutBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcOneCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const OneCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file OneCutBase.fh.

typedef set<tcPPtr, less<tcPPtr> > ThePEG::tcParticleSet

A set of transient pointers to const Particle.

Definition at line 80 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBinInstance >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPBIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonBinInstance .

Definition at line 18 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

A pair of pointers to ParicleBin objects.

Definition at line 22 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonBin .

Definition at line 13 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPDFPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const PDFBase .

Definition at line 90 of file Pointers.h.

A pair of transient pointers to const ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 109 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ParticleData >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ParticleData .

Definition at line 64 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<tcPDPtr> ThePEG::tcPDVector

A vector of transient pointers to const ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 42 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonExtractor >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPExtrPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const PartonExtractor .

Definition at line 78 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PileupHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPileHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const PileupHandler .

Definition at line 76 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MatcherBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const MatcherBase .

Definition at line 65 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<tcPPtr, tcPPtr> ThePEG::tcPPair

A pair of transient pointers to const Particle objects.

Definition at line 121 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcPPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Particle .

Definition at line 67 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<tcPPtr> ThePEG::tcPVector

A vector of transient pointers to const Particle objects.

Definition at line 85 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RandomGenerator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRanGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const RandomGenerator .

Definition at line 79 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRemDecPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantDecayer.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemnantHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRemHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const RemnantHandler .

Definition at line 89 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemInfoBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRemIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const RemInfoBase .

Definition at line 22 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantData >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRemPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantData .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantData.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcRemPPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ThePEG::RemnantParticle .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantParticle.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ReweightBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcReweightPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const ReweightBase .

Definition at line 95 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SamplerBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcSamplerPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const SamplerBase .

Definition at line 12 of file SamplerBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardModelBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcSMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardModelBase .

Definition at line 91 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcSpinPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const SpinBase .

Definition at line 93 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardEventHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcStdEHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardEventHandler .

Definition at line 14 of file StandardEventHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardXComb >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcStdXCombPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const StandardXComb .

Definition at line 13 of file StandardXComb.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StepHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcStepHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const StepHandler .

Definition at line 70 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcStepPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Step .

Definition at line 85 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcStrategyPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const Strategy .

Definition at line 87 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SubProcessHandler >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcSubHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const SubProcessHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file SubProcessHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SubProcess >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcSubProPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const SubProcess .

Definition at line 86 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< TwoCutBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcTwoCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const TwoCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file TwoCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Cuts >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tCutsPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Cuts .

Definition at line 13 of file Cuts.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< WidthGenerator >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcWidthGeneratorPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const WidthGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file WidthGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcXCombPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to a const XComb .

Definition at line 88 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Decayer >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tDecayerPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Decayer .

Definition at line 82 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tDecayHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to DecayHandler .

Definition at line 75 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DiagramBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tDiagPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to DiagramBase .

Definition at line 13 of file DiagramBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< DecayMode >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tDMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to DecayMode .

Definition at line 66 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventGenerator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEGPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to EventGenerator .

Definition at line 68 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to EventHandler .

Definition at line 69 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventInfoBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to EventInfoBase .

Definition at line 94 of file Pointers.h.

typedef Ptr<EventRecordBase>::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEventBasePtr

Alias for a transient pointer to EventRecordBase.

Definition at line 47 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef Ptr<ParticleDataClass>::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEventPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ParticleDataClass.

Definition at line 67 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Event >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEventPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Event .

Definition at line 83 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< EventManipulator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEvtManipPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to EventManipulator .

Definition at line 81 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< FlavourGenerator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tFlavGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to FlavourGenerator .

Definition at line 18 of file QuarksToHadronsDecayer.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to Helicity::GeneralVVSVertex .

Definition at line 20 of file GeneralVVSVertex.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< HadronizationHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tHadrHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to HadronizationHandler .

Definition at line 72 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Hint >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tHintPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Hint .

Definition at line 71 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::FactoryBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tHistFacPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::FactoryBase .

Definition at line 12 of file FactoryBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< InterfacedBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tIBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to InterfacedBase .

Definition at line 62 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Interfaced >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Interfaced .

Definition at line 63 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a transient pointer to LesHouchesEventHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to LesHouchesReader .

Definition at line 13 of file LesHouchesReader.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< LuminosityFunction >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tLumiFnPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to LuminosityFunction .

Definition at line 77 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MassGenerator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tMassGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to MassGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file MassGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MEBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tMEPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to MEBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MEBase.fh.

Alias for a transient pointer to MultipleInteractionHandler .

Definition at line 74 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MultiCutBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tMultiCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to MultiCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file MultiCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< OneCutBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tOneCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to OneCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file OneCutBase.fh.

typedef set<tPPtr, less<tPPtr> > ThePEG::tParticleSet

A set of transient pointers to Particle.

Definition at line 78 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef vector<tPPtr> ThePEG::tParticleVector

A vector of transient pointers to Particle.

Definition at line 72 of file EventConfig.h.

A vector of pairs of transient pointers to PartonBins.

Definition at line 130 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBinInstance >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPBIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to PartonBinInstance .

Definition at line 18 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonBin >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPBPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to PartonBin .

Definition at line 13 of file PartonBin.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PDFBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPDFPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to PDFBase .

Definition at line 90 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<tPDPtr, tPDPtr> ThePEG::tPDPair

A pair of transient pointers to ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 106 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ParticleData >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ParticleData .

Definition at line 64 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<tPDPtr> ThePEG::tPDVector

A vector of transient pointers to ParticleData objects.

Definition at line 39 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PartonExtractor >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPExtrPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to PartonExtractor .

Definition at line 78 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< PileupHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPileHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to PileupHandler .

Definition at line 76 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< MatcherBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to MatcherBase .

Definition at line 65 of file Pointers.h.

typedef pair<tPPtr, tPPtr> ThePEG::tPPair

A pair of transient pointers to const Particle objects.

Definition at line 118 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Particle >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tPPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Particle .

Definition at line 67 of file Pointers.h.

typedef vector<tPPtr> ThePEG::tPVector

A vector of transient pointers to Particle objects.

Definition at line 82 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RandomGenerator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRanGenPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to RandomGenerator .

Definition at line 79 of file Pointers.h.

A rebinder for InterfacedBase objects.

Definition at line 91 of file Containers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantDecayer >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRemDecPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantDecayer .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantDecayer.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemnantHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRemHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to RemnantHandler .

Definition at line 89 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< RemInfoBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRemIPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to RemInfoBase .

Definition at line 22 of file PartonBinInstance.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantData >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRemPDPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantData .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantData.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ThePEG::RemnantParticle >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tRemPPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ThePEG::RemnantParticle .

Definition at line 18 of file RemnantParticle.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< ReweightBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tReweightPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to ReweightBase .

Definition at line 95 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SamplerBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tSamplerPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to SamplerBase .

Definition at line 12 of file SamplerBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardModelBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tSMPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to StandardModelBase .

Definition at line 91 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SpinBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tSpinPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to SpinBase .

Definition at line 93 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardEventHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tStdEHPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to StandardEventHandler .

Definition at line 14 of file StandardEventHandler.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StandardXComb >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tStdXCombPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to StandardXComb .

Definition at line 13 of file StandardXComb.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< StepHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tStepHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to StepHandler .

Definition at line 70 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Step >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tStepPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Step .

Definition at line 85 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< Strategy >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tStrategyPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to Strategy .

Definition at line 87 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SubProcessHandler >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tSubHdlPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to SubProcessHandler .

Definition at line 13 of file SubProcessHandler.fh.

A vector of transient pointers to SubProcess.

Definition at line 86 of file EventConfig.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< SubProcess >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tSubProPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to SubProcess .

Definition at line 86 of file Pointers.h.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< TwoCutBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tTwoCutPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to TwoCutBase .

Definition at line 13 of file TwoCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< WidthGenerator >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tWidthGeneratorPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to WidthGenerator .

Definition at line 14 of file WidthGenerator.fh.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to TwoCutBase .

Definition at line 12 of file TwoCutBase.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tXCombPtr

Alias for a transient pointer to XComb .

Definition at line 88 of file Pointers.h.

Alias for a reference counted pointer to WidthGenerator .

Definition at line 12 of file WidthGenerator.fh.

typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XComb >::pointer ThePEG::XCombPtr

Alias for a reference counted pointer to XComb .

Definition at line 88 of file Pointers.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Selection mechanism for type-dependent implementations.

Definition at line 65 of file TemplateTools.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename OutputIterator, typename Container>
void ThePEG::copyIfCheck ( OutputIterator  r,
const Container &  c,
const SelectorBase &  s 
) [inline]

Helper function to be used together with SelectorBase objects.

Definition at line 354 of file SelectorBase.h.

References ThePEG::SelectorBase::check().

template<typename Value>
ThreeVector<Value> ThePEG::dirBoostVector ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Get the boost vector for the LorentzVector.

If the current Direction<0> is reversed, so is the z-component.

Definition at line 640 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
double ThePEG::dirCosTheta ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the cosine of the polar angle wrt.

the positive z-axis. Or the negative z-axis if the current Direction<0> is reversed.

Definition at line 633 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
double ThePEG::dirMinus ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the negative light-cone component.

Or positive if the current Direction<0> is reversed.

Definition at line 612 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
double ThePEG::dirPlus ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the positive light-cone component.

Or negative if the current Direction<0> is reversed.

Definition at line 605 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
double ThePEG::dirTheta ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the polar angle wrt.

the positive z-axis. Or the negative z-axis if the current Direction<0> is reversed.

Definition at line 626 of file LorentzVector.h.

References ThePEG::Constants::pi.

template<typename Value>
double ThePEG::dirZ ( const LorentzVector< Value > &  p  )  [inline]

Return the component along the positive z-axis.

Or the negative z-axis if the current Direction<0> is reversed.

Definition at line 619 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Cont, typename Type>
Cont::const_iterator ThePEG::find ( const Cont &  c,
const Type &  t 
) [inline]

The std::find function taking a whole const container as argument.

Definition at line 121 of file algorithm.h.

References find(), and range().

Referenced by ThePEG::ClassDescriptionHelper< T, IBase, B >::addBases(), find(), ThePEG::TypeInfo::name(), ThePEG::Interfaced::setDefaultReference(), and ThePEG::TypeInfo::version().

template<typename Cont, typename Type>
Cont::iterator ThePEG::find ( Cont &  c,
const Type &  t 
) [inline]

The std::find function taking a whole container as argument.

Definition at line 115 of file algorithm.h.

References find(), and range().

template<typename Iterator, typename T>
Iterator ThePEG::find ( IteratorRange< Iterator >  r,
const T &  t 
) [inline]

The std::find function taking an IteratorRange as argument.

Definition at line 85 of file algorithm.h.

References find().

Referenced by find().

template<typename Cont, typename Pred>
Cont::const_iterator ThePEG::find_if ( const Cont &  c,
const Pred &  p 
) [inline]

The std::find_if function taking a whole const container as argument.

Definition at line 133 of file algorithm.h.

References find_if(), and range().

Referenced by find_if().

template<typename Cont, typename Pred>
Cont::iterator ThePEG::find_if ( Cont &  c,
const Pred &  p 
) [inline]

The std::find_if function taking a whole container as argument.

Definition at line 127 of file algorithm.h.

References find_if(), and range().

template<typename Iterator, typename Pred>
Iterator ThePEG::find_if ( IteratorRange< Iterator >  r,
Pred  p 
) [inline]

The std::find_if function taking an IteratorRange as argument.

Definition at line 91 of file algorithm.h.

References find_if().

Referenced by find_if().

template<typename Cont, typename FNC>
FNC ThePEG::for_each ( const Cont &  c,
FNC  f 
) [inline]

The std::for_each function taking a whole const container as argument.

Definition at line 109 of file algorithm.h.

Referenced by for_each().

template<typename Cont, typename FNC>
FNC ThePEG::for_each ( Cont &  c,
FNC  f 
) [inline]

The std::for_each function taking a whole container as argument.

Definition at line 103 of file algorithm.h.

References for_each().

template<typename Iterator, typename FNC>
FNC ThePEG::for_each ( IteratorRange< Iterator >  r,
FNC  f 
) [inline]

The std::for_each function taking an IteratorRange as argument.

Definition at line 79 of file algorithm.h.

References for_each().

Referenced by ThePEG::BaseRepository::clearAll(), and ThePEG::BaseRepository::resetAll().

template<typename T>
IEnum<T> ThePEG::ienum ( T &  t  )  [inline]

Helper function to create an IEnum object for a given variable.

Definition at line 74 of file EnumIO.h.

template<typename Cont>
std::insert_iterator<Cont> ThePEG::inserter ( Cont &  c  )  [inline]

Return a insert iterator for a given container.

Definition at line 130 of file std.h.

Referenced by ThePEG::Event::getFinalState().

SpinHalfLorentzRotation ThePEG::inverseOf ( const SpinHalfLorentzRotation &  lt  )  [inline]

Global method to get the inverse.

The external inverseOf needs to be a friend.

Definition at line 336 of file SpinHalfLorentzRotation.h.

References ThePEG::SpinHalfLorentzRotation::inverse().

LorentzRotation ThePEG::inverseOf ( const LorentzRotation &  lt  )  [inline]

Global method to get the inverse.

The external inverseOf needs to be a friend.

Definition at line 529 of file LorentzRotation.h.

References ThePEG::LorentzRotation::inverse().

template<typename T, typename UT>
IUnit<T,UT> ThePEG::iunit ( T &  t,
const UT &  ut 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a IUnit object given an object and a unit.

Definition at line 97 of file UnitIO.h.

References iunit().

Referenced by iunit(), and iunitstream().

IUnitErr<double,double> ThePEG::iuniterr ( double &  t,
double &  dt 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.

Definition at line 261 of file UnitIO.h.

References iuniterr().

template<typename T, typename UT>
IUnitErr<T,UT> ThePEG::iuniterr ( T &  t,
T &  dt,
const UT &  ut 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a IUnitErr object.

Definition at line 256 of file UnitIO.h.

References iuniterr().

Referenced by iuniterr().

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
Transverse< T > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a Transverse with units from a stream.

Definition at line 206 of file Transverse.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename UT, typename Value>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
ThreeVector< Value > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a ThreeVector with units from a stream.

Definition at line 379 of file ThreeVector.h.

References iunit().

Referenced by operator>>().

template<typename IStream, typename UnitT, typename Value>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
LorentzVector< Value > &  p,
UnitT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a LorentzVector with units from a stream.

Definition at line 709 of file LorentzVector.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
Lorentz5Vector< T > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a Lorentz5Vector from a stream.

Definition at line 274 of file Lorentz5Vector.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
std::complex< T > &  t,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Helper function reading a complex object with a given unit from an input stream.

Definition at line 120 of file UnitIO.h.

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
T &  t,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Helper function reading an object with a given unit from an input stream.

Definition at line 111 of file UnitIO.h.

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
Interval< T, CMP > &  i,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input an interval of a diminsionful type from a stream using the given unit.

is the input stream.
i the interval.
u the unit.

Definition at line 232 of file Interval.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename K, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
map< K, T, CMP, A > &  m,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a map of keys and objects where the objects are input with the specified unit.

is the stream used for input.
m the map to be input.
u the unit to be used for the mapped objects.

Definition at line 338 of file Containers.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
set< T, CMP, A > &  s,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a set of objects with the specified unit.

is the stream used for input.
s the set to be input.
u the unit to be used.

Definition at line 302 of file Containers.h.

References iunit().

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename Alloc, typename UT>
void ThePEG::iunitstream ( IStream &  is,
vector< T, Alloc > &  v,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Input a vector of objects with the specified unit.

is the stream used for input.
v the vector to be input.
u the unit to be used.

Definition at line 274 of file Containers.h.

References iunit().

ostream& ThePEG::left ( ostream &  os  )  [inline]

Stream manipulator setting an ostream to left-adjust its ouput.

Definition at line 135 of file std.h.

Referenced by ThePEG::Step::getSinglets().

template<typename Value>
LorentzVector<Value> ThePEG::lightCone ( Value  plus,
Value  minus,
Transverse< Value >  pt 
) [inline]

Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.

Definition at line 671 of file LorentzVector.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename Value>
LorentzVector<Value> ThePEG::lightCone ( Value  plus,
Value  minus 
) [inline]

Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone components.

Definition at line 658 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
LorentzVector<Value> ThePEG::lightCone ( Value  plus,
Value  minus,
Value  x,
Value  y 
) [inline]

Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.

Definition at line 650 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename Value>
LorentzVector<Value> ThePEG::lightConeDir ( Value  plus,
Value  minus,
Transverse< Value >  pt 
) [inline]

Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.

If the current Direction<0> is reversed, so is the z-component.

Definition at line 693 of file LorentzVector.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename Value>
LorentzVector<Value> ThePEG::lightConeDir ( Value  plus,
Value  minus,
Value  x = Value(),
Value  y = Value() 
) [inline]

Create a LorentzVector giving its light-cone and transverse components.

If the current Direction<0> is reversed, so is the z-component.

Definition at line 681 of file LorentzVector.h.

template<typename T, typename CMP>
Interval<T,CMP> ThePEG::makeInterval ( dn,
) [inline]

Helper function to create an interval of a type determined by the parameters.

Definition at line 197 of file Interval.h.

template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
Triplet<T1,T2,T3> ThePEG::makeTriplet ( const T1 &  t1,
const T2 &  t2,
const T3 &  t3 
) [inline]

Helper function returning a Triplet with template parameters determined by the arguments.

Definition at line 74 of file Triplet.h.

template<typename T, typename Key>
bool ThePEG::member ( const vector< T > &  v,
const Key &  k 
) [inline]

Check if a given object is a part of a vector.

Definition at line 121 of file std.h.

template<typename Container, typename Key>
bool ThePEG::member ( const Container &  c,
const Key &  k 
) [inline]

Check if a given object is a part of a container.

Definition at line 115 of file std.h.

Referenced by ThePEG::SwitchBase::check(), ThePEG::Step::find(), ThePEG::Collision::isRemnant(), and ThePEG::MatcherBase::matches().

template<typename T>
OEnum<T> ThePEG::oenum ( const T &  t  )  [inline]

Helper function to create an OEnum object for a given variable.

Definition at line 68 of file EnumIO.h.

template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse<typename BinaryOpTraits<ValueA,ValueB>::MulT> ThePEG::operator* ( const Transverse< ValueA > &  v,
ValueB  a 
) [inline]

Multiply a Transverse with a (unitful) number.

Definition at line 239 of file Transverse.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse<typename BinaryOpTraits<ValueA,ValueB>::MulT> ThePEG::operator* ( ValueB  a,
const Transverse< ValueA > &  v 
) [inline]

Multiply a (unitful) number with a Transverse.

Definition at line 230 of file Transverse.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename Value>
Transverse<Value> ThePEG::operator* ( double  b,
Transverse< Value >  a 
) [inline]

Multiply a number with a Transverse.

Definition at line 222 of file Transverse.h.

template<typename Value>
Transverse<Value> ThePEG::operator* ( Transverse< Value >  a,
double  b 
) [inline]

Multiply a Transverse with a number.

Definition at line 215 of file Transverse.h.

string ThePEG::operator* ( double  ,
) [inline]

Dummy function to ensure that strings can be used as arguments also where numbers are assumed.

Definition at line 403 of file InterfaceBase.h.

XSecStat ThePEG::operator+ ( const XSecStat &  x1,
const XSecStat &  x2 
) [inline]

Add the contents of two XSecStat objects.

Definition at line 227 of file XSecStat.h.

template<typename ValueA, typename ValueB>
Transverse<typename BinaryOpTraits<ValueA,ValueB>::DivT> ThePEG::operator/ ( const Transverse< ValueA > &  v,
ValueB  b 
) [inline]

Divide a Transverse by a (unitful) number.

Definition at line 255 of file Transverse.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename Value>
Transverse<double> ThePEG::operator/ ( const Transverse< Value > &  v,
Value  a 
) [inline]

Divide a Transverse by a number.

Definition at line 247 of file Transverse.h.

References ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

double ThePEG::operator/ ( string  ,
) [inline]

Dummy function to ensure that strings can be used as arguments also where numbers are assumed.

Definition at line 399 of file InterfaceBase.h.

PersistentOStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( PersistentOStream &  ,
const XSecStat &   

Ouptut an XSecStat to a persistent stream.

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
OStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( OStream &  os,
const OUnitErr< T, UT > &  u 
) [inline]

Output an OUnitErr object to a stream.

Definition at line 179 of file UnitIO.h.

References abs().

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
OStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( OStream &  os,
const OUnit< T, UT > &  u 
) [inline]

Output an OUnit object to a stream.

Definition at line 128 of file UnitIO.h.

References ounitstream().

template<typename OStream, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
OStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( OStream &  os,
const Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > &  t 
) [inline]

Output a Triplet to a stream.

Definition at line 81 of file Triplet.h.

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP>
OStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( OStream &  os,
const Interval< T, CMP > &  i 
) [inline]

Ouptut an interval to a stream.

Definition at line 201 of file Interval.h.

template<typename OStream, typename T>
OStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( OStream &  os,
const OEnum< T > &  e 
) [inline]

Overloading of operator<< for OEnum.

Definition at line 80 of file EnumIO.h.

template<typename T1, typename T2>
PersistentOStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( PersistentOStream &  os,
const pair< T1, T2 > &  p 
) [inline]

Output a pair of objects.

Definition at line 554 of file PersistentOStream.h.

template<typename HDLR>
PersistentOStream& ThePEG::operator<< ( PersistentOStream &  os,
const HandlerGroup< HDLR > &  hg 
) [inline]

Output a HandlerGroup to a PersistentOStream.

Definition at line 451 of file HandlerGroup.h.

References ThePEG::HandlerGroup< HDLR >::write().

ostream& ThePEG::operator<< ( ostream &  ,
const SubProcess &   

Output a SubProcess to an ostream.

ostream& ThePEG::operator<< ( ostream &  ,
const Event &   

Output a Event to a standard ostream.

ostream& ThePEG::operator<< ( ostream &  ,
const Collision &   

Output a Collision to a standard ostream.

Output to a standard ostream.

template<typename T, typename U>
set<T>& ThePEG::operator<< ( set< T > &  ts,
const U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the left shift operator for std::set to insert objects in a set.

ts the set being filled by insert.
u the object being inserted.
a referens to the set.

Definition at line 245 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename U>
deque<T>& ThePEG::operator<< ( deque< T > &  td,
const U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the left shift operator for deque to push_back objects to a deque.

td the deque being filled by push_back.
u the object being pushed back.
a referens to the deque.

Definition at line 218 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename U>
stack<T>& ThePEG::operator<< ( stack< T > &  ts,
const U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the left shift operator for stack to push objects to a vector.

ts the stack being filled by push.
u the object being pushed.
a referens to the stack.

Definition at line 191 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename U>
vector<T>& ThePEG::operator<< ( vector< T > &  tv,
const U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the left shift operator for vector to push_back objects to a vector.

tv the vector being filled by push_back.
u the object being pushed back.
a referens to the vector.

Definition at line 164 of file Containers.h.

PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  ,
XSecStat &   

Input an XSecStat from a persistent stream.

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
const IUnitErr< T, UT > &  u 
) [inline]

Input an IUnit object from a stream.

Definition at line 267 of file UnitIO.h.

References ThePEG::IUnitErr< T, UT >::dx, ThePEG::IUnitErr< T, UT >::ut, and ThePEG::IUnitErr< T, UT >::x.

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename UT>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
const IUnit< T, UT > &  u 
) [inline]

Input an IUnit object from a stream.

Definition at line 135 of file UnitIO.h.

References iunitstream(), ThePEG::IUnit< T, UT >::theUnit, and ThePEG::IUnit< T, UT >::theX.

template<typename IStream, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
Triplet< T1, T2, T3 > &  t 
) [inline]

template<typename IStream, typename T, typename CMP>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
Interval< T, CMP > &  i 
) [inline]

Input an interval from a stream.

Definition at line 208 of file Interval.h.

References ThePEG::Interval< T, CMP >::lower(), and ThePEG::Interval< T, CMP >::upper().

template<typename IStream, typename T>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
const IEnum< T > &  e 
) [inline]

Overloading of operator<< for IEnum.

Definition at line 87 of file EnumIO.h.

References ThePEG::IEnum< T >::theT.

template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
deque< T, A > &  d 
) [inline]

Input a deque of objects.

Definition at line 637 of file PersistentIStream.h.

References ThePEG::PersistentIStream::getContainer().

template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
vector< T, A > &  v 
) [inline]

Input a vector of objects.

Definition at line 628 of file PersistentIStream.h.

References ThePEG::PersistentIStream::getContainer().

template<typename T, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
list< T, A > &  l 
) [inline]

Input a list of objects.

Definition at line 619 of file PersistentIStream.h.

References ThePEG::PersistentIStream::getContainer().

template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
multiset< Key, Cmp, A > &  s 
) [inline]

Input a multoset of objects.

Definition at line 610 of file PersistentIStream.h.

References ThePEG::PersistentIStream::getContainer().

template<typename Key, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
set< Key, Cmp, A > &  s 
) [inline]

Input a set of objects.

Definition at line 602 of file PersistentIStream.h.

References ThePEG::PersistentIStream::getContainer().

template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
multimap< Key, T, Cmp, A > &  m 
) [inline]

Input a multimap of key/objects pairs.

Definition at line 584 of file PersistentIStream.h.

template<typename Key, typename T, typename Cmp, typename A>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
map< Key, T, Cmp, A > &  m 
) [inline]

Input a map of key/objects pairs.

Definition at line 570 of file PersistentIStream.h.

template<typename T1, typename T2>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
pair< T1, T2 > &  p 
) [inline]

Input a pair of objects.

Definition at line 564 of file PersistentIStream.h.

template<typename IStream>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
PDT::Spin &  s 
) [inline]

Input a spin from a stream.

Definition at line 196 of file PDT.h.

template<typename IStream>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
PDT::Charge &  c 
) [inline]

Input a charge from a stream.

Definition at line 187 of file PDT.h.

template<typename IStream>
IStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( IStream &  is,
PDT::Colour &  c 
) [inline]

Input a colour from a stream.

Definition at line 178 of file PDT.h.

template<typename HDLR>
PersistentIStream& ThePEG::operator>> ( PersistentIStream &  is,
HandlerGroup< HDLR > &  hg 
) [inline]

Input a HandlerGroup from a PersistentIStream.

Definition at line 459 of file HandlerGroup.h.

References ThePEG::HandlerGroup< HDLR >::read().

template<typename T, typename U>
deque<T>& ThePEG::operator>> ( deque< T > &  td,
U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the right shift operator for vector to pop objects from a deque.

td the deque being popped by pop_front.
u the object at the front of the deque before popping.
a referens to the deque.

Definition at line 231 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename U>
stack<T>& ThePEG::operator>> ( stack< T > &  ts,
U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the right shift operator for stack to pop objects from a stack.

ts the stack being popped.
u the object at the top of the stack before popping.
a referens to the stack.

Definition at line 204 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename U>
vector<T>& ThePEG::operator>> ( vector< T > &  tv,
U &  u 
) [inline]

Overload the right shift operator for vector to pop objects from a vector.

tv the vector being popped by pop_back.
u the object at the back of the vector before popping.
a referens to the vector.

Definition at line 177 of file Containers.h.

template<typename T, typename UT>
OUnit<T,UT> ThePEG::ounit ( const T &  t,
const UT &  ut 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a OUnit object given an object and a unit.

Definition at line 90 of file UnitIO.h.

References ounit().

Referenced by ounit(), and ounitstream().

OUnitErr<double,double> ThePEG::ouniterr ( double  t,
double  dt 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.

Definition at line 173 of file UnitIO.h.

References ouniterr().

template<typename T, typename UT>
OUnitErr<T,UT> ThePEG::ouniterr ( const T &  t,
const T &  dt,
const UT &  ut 
) [inline]

Helper function creating a OUnitErr object.

Definition at line 168 of file UnitIO.h.

References ouniterr().

Referenced by ouniterr().

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const Transverse< T > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Output a Transverse with units to a stream.

Definition at line 200 of file Transverse.h.

References ounit(), ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::x(), and ThePEG::Transverse< Value >::y().

template<typename OStream, typename UT, typename Value>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const ThreeVector< Value > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Output a ThreeVector with units to a stream.

Definition at line 373 of file ThreeVector.h.

References ounit(), ThePEG::ThreeVector< Value >::x(), ThePEG::ThreeVector< Value >::y(), and ThePEG::ThreeVector< Value >::z().

Referenced by operator<<().

template<typename OStream, typename UnitT, typename Value>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const LorentzVector< Value > &  p,
UnitT &  u 
) [inline]

Output a LorentzVector with units to a stream.

Definition at line 702 of file LorentzVector.h.

References ounit().

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const Lorentz5Vector< T > &  p,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const T &  t,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Helper function writing out an object with a given unit to an output stream.

Definition at line 104 of file UnitIO.h.

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const Interval< T, CMP > &  i,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Output an interval of a diminsionful type to a stream using the given unit.

os the output stream.
i the interval.
u the unit.

Definition at line 222 of file Interval.h.

References ThePEG::Interval< T, CMP >::lower(), ounit(), and ThePEG::Interval< T, CMP >::upper().

template<typename OStream, typename K, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const map< K, T, CMP, A > &  m,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Ouput a map of keys and objects where the objects are output with the specified unit.

os the stream used for output.
m the map to be output.
u the unit to be used for the mapped objects.

Definition at line 322 of file Containers.h.

References ounit().

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename CMP, typename A, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const set< T, CMP, A > &  s,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Ouput a set of objects with the specified unit.

os the stream used for output.
s the set to be output.
u the unit to be used.

Definition at line 289 of file Containers.h.

References ounit().

template<typename OStream, typename T, typename Alloc, typename UT>
void ThePEG::ounitstream ( OStream &  os,
const vector< T, Alloc > &  v,
UT &  u 
) [inline]

Ouput a vector of objects with the specified unit.

os the stream used for output.
v the vector to be output.
u the unit to be used.

Definition at line 260 of file Containers.h.

References ounit().

void ThePEG::printGraphviz ( ostream &  ,

Print event tree in Graphviz format, ready for plotting.

template<typename Container>
IteratorRange<typename Container::const_iterator> ThePEG::range ( const Container &  c  )  [inline]

Return an IteratorRange of const iterators corresponding to the whole container.

Definition at line 57 of file algorithm.h.

template<typename Container>
IteratorRange<typename Container::iterator> ThePEG::range ( Container &  c  )  [inline]

Return an IteratorRange corresponding to the whole container.

Definition at line 49 of file algorithm.h.

Referenced by find(), find_if(), and replace().

template<typename Cont, typename T>
void ThePEG::replace ( Cont &  c,
const T &  oval,
const T &  nval 
) [inline]

The std::replace function taking a whole container as argument.

Definition at line 139 of file algorithm.h.

References range(), and replace().

Referenced by replace().

template<typename Iterator, typename T>
void ThePEG::replace ( IteratorRange< Iterator >  r,
const T &  oval,
const T &  nval 
) [inline]

The std::replace function taking an IteratorRange as argument.

Definition at line 97 of file algorithm.h.

References replace().

Referenced by replace().

ostream& ThePEG::right ( ostream &  os  )  [inline]

Stream manipulator setting an ostream to right-adjust its ouput.

Definition at line 141 of file std.h.

template<typename Container>
IteratorRange<typename Container::const_reverse_iterator> ThePEG::rrange ( const Container &  c  )  [inline]

Return an IteratorRange of reverse const iterators corresponding to the whole container.

Definition at line 73 of file algorithm.h.

template<typename Container>
IteratorRange<typename Container::reverse_iterator> ThePEG::rrange ( Container &  c  )  [inline]

Return an IteratorRange of reverse iterators corresponding to the whole container.

Definition at line 65 of file algorithm.h.

double ThePEG::sqrt ( int  x  )  [inline]

ThePEG::ThePEG_DECLARE_SET ( string  ,

A set oc character strings.


A set of pointers to DecayMode objects.


A set of pointers to MatcherBase objects.


A set of pointers to ParticleData objects.

Generated on Thu Apr 29 12:42:56 2010 for ThePEG by  doxygen 1.5.5