Friday 1100-1255; Chair: Paula Eerola | |||
1100 | Johan Bijnens | LU | Introduction |
1110 | David Milstead | SU | The Stockholm ATLAS/D0 Group |
1140 | Sara Lager | SU | Top production cross section in the lepton+track |
channel using D0 data | |||
1155 | Elin Bergeås | SU | ATLAS test beam results |
1210 | Tomas Hällgren | KTH | KTH theory group overview |
Probing deconstructed dimensions with neutrinos | |||
1240 | Mattias Blennow | KTH | Damped neutrino oscillations - Erroneous |
measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters? | |||
Lunch break 1255-1430 | |||
Friday 1430-1610; Chair: Klas Hultqvist | |||
1430 | Rolf Heuer | DESY | Physics at the International Linear Collider (ILC) |
1530 | Leif Jönsson | LU | The TPC project for the International Linear Collider |
1550 | Gösta Gustafson | LU | The Activities of the Lund Phenomenology Group |
Coffee break 1610-1640 | |||
Friday 1640-1845; Chair: Kerstin Jon-And | |||
1640 | Emil Avsar | LU | Energy Conservation and Saturation in small-x evolution |
1655 | Malin Sjödahl | LU | Black holes and the end of high physics |
1710 | Timo Lähde | LU | Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory |
at Two-Loops | |||
1725 | Karim Ghorbani | LU | Two-Loop Finite Volume Effects |
1740 | Johan Rathsmann | UU | Activities of the Phenomenology group in Uppsala |
1810 | David Eriksson | UU | Charmonium production in B-decays with |
Soft Color Interactions | |||
1825 | Silvio Orsi | KTH | The Second Level Trigger for the PAMELA |
Satellite Experiment | |||
20.00: Dinner at Tegnérs, Sandgatan 2, Kajuten (in the basement) | |||
Saturday 0900-1030; Chair: Bengt Lund-Jensen | |||
0900 | Richard Brenner | UU | The Uppsala Collider Physics Group |
0930 | Christian Hansen | UU | Discovery potential for decaying to SUSY particles |
0945 | Mattias Ellert | UU | ATLAS data challenge 2 using SweGrid and other |
ARC enabled resources | |||
1000 | Arnaud Ferrari | UU | Search for charged Higgs bosons at future colliders |
1015 | Nils Gollub | UU | Measurement of the Top Pair Production Cross Section |
in the Lepton+Jets Channel at D0 Using Topological | |||
Information | |||
Break 1030-1050 | |||
Saturday 1050-1205; Chair: Tord Ekelöf | |||
1050 | Evert Stenlund | LU | PHENIX |
1110 | Vincent Hedberg | LU | Lund ATLAS activities |
1140 | Johan Lundberg | UU | Icecube overview |
TBA | |||
Lunch Break 1205-1300 | |||
Saturday 1300-1555; Chair: Gösta Gustafson | |||
1300 | Mark Pearce | KTH | The Stockholm Educational Air Shower Array |
1320 | David Milstead | SU | The ATLAS/ALICE outreach activities |
1340 | Barbro Åsman | SU | Vetenskapsrådet |
1410 | Hans-Åke Gustafsson | LU | Kommittén för forskningens infrastrukturer |
1430 | Tord Ekelöf | UU | Compute resources in Sweden for LHC physics analysis |
1440 | Torsten Åkesson | LU | ECFA: European Committee for Future Accelerators |
1500 | Klas Hultqvist | SU | The role of the particle and astroparticle physics section |
1520 | Bengt Lund-Jensen | KTH | KTH, particle and astroparticle physics group |
1540 | Tore Ersmark | KTH | The Desire project - radiation onboard the ISS |
Abbreviations: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, LU Lund University, SU Stockholm University, UU Uppsala University, TBA to be announced
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