Meeting of the Section for Particle and Astroparticle Physics of the Swedish Physical Society, Lund 13-14 May 2005

Friday 1100-1255; Chair: Paula Eerola
1100 Johan Bijnens LU Introduction
1110 David Milstead SU The Stockholm ATLAS/D0 Group
1140 Sara Lager SU Top production cross section in the lepton+track
      channel using D0 data
1155 Elin Bergeås SU ATLAS test beam results
1210 Tomas Hällgren KTH KTH theory group overview
      Probing deconstructed dimensions with neutrinos
1240 Mattias Blennow KTH Damped neutrino oscillations - Erroneous
      measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters?
Lunch break 1255-1430
Friday 1430-1610; Chair: Klas Hultqvist
1430 Rolf Heuer DESY Physics at the International Linear Collider (ILC)
1530 Leif Jönsson LU The TPC project for the International Linear Collider
1550 Gösta Gustafson LU The Activities of the Lund Phenomenology Group
Coffee break 1610-1640
Friday 1640-1845; Chair: Kerstin Jon-And
1640 Emil Avsar LU Energy Conservation and Saturation in small-x evolution
1655 Malin Sjödahl LU Black holes and the end of high $p_\perp$ physics
1710 Timo Lähde LU Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory
      at Two-Loops
1725 Karim Ghorbani LU Two-Loop Finite Volume Effects
1740 Johan Rathsmann UU Activities of the Phenomenology group in Uppsala
1810 David Eriksson UU Charmonium production in B-decays with
      Soft Color Interactions
1825 Silvio Orsi KTH The Second Level Trigger for the PAMELA
      Satellite Experiment
20.00: Dinner at Tegnérs, Sandgatan 2, Kajuten (in the basement)
Saturday 0900-1030; Chair: Bengt Lund-Jensen
0900 Richard Brenner UU The Uppsala Collider Physics Group
0930 Christian Hansen UU Discovery potential for $H^+$ decaying to SUSY particles
0945 Mattias Ellert UU ATLAS data challenge 2 using SweGrid and other
      ARC enabled resources
1000 Arnaud Ferrari UU Search for charged Higgs bosons at future colliders
1015 Nils Gollub UU Measurement of the Top Pair Production Cross Section
      in the Lepton+Jets Channel at D0 Using Topological
Break 1030-1050
Saturday 1050-1205; Chair: Tord Ekelöf
1050 Evert Stenlund LU PHENIX
1110 Vincent Hedberg LU Lund ATLAS activities
1140 Johan Lundberg UU Icecube overview
Lunch Break 1205-1300
Saturday 1300-1555; Chair: Gösta Gustafson
1300 Mark Pearce KTH The Stockholm Educational Air Shower Array
1320 David Milstead SU The ATLAS/ALICE outreach activities
1340 Barbro Åsman SU Vetenskapsrådet
1410 Hans-Åke Gustafsson LU Kommittén för forskningens infrastrukturer
1430 Tord Ekelöf UU Compute resources in Sweden for LHC physics analysis
1440 Torsten Åkesson LU ECFA: European Committee for Future Accelerators
1500 Klas Hultqvist SU The role of the particle and astroparticle physics section
1520 Bengt Lund-Jensen KTH KTH, particle and astroparticle physics group
1540 Tore Ersmark KTH The Desire project - radiation onboard the ISS

Abbreviations: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, LU Lund University, SU Stockholm University, UU Uppsala University, TBA to be announced

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