Pythia7::Shower::BeamParticle | This class holds info on a beam particle in the shower evolution |
Pythia7::EndPoint | The EndPoint is the main helper class used by the LundFragHandler to handle the steps in the fragmentation procedure |
Pythia7::Shower::Event | This class hold a partonic event, which is to shower (on input) or has showered (on output) |
Pythia7::Shower::GRV94L | Gives the GRV 94 L (leading order) parton distribution function set in parametrized form |
Pythia7::Hadron | Hadron describe the minimal information of a hadron created during the String Fragmentation process |
Pythia7::Shower::Hist | Simple histogram class to be used internally in the Pythia7 Shower classes for testing purposes |
Pythia7::Shower::Lepton | Gives electron (or muon, or tau) parton distribution |
Pythia7::LundFlavourGenerator | The LundFlavouGenerator is the class responsible for the flavour generation according to the Lund scheme of fragmentation |
Pythia7::LundFlavourHandler | LundFlavourHandler is an helper class to administrate flavour generation procedure that requires extra handling that simple calls to the LundFlavourGenerator |
Pythia7::LundFragHandler | The LundFragHandler is the main class of the string fragmentation modules |
Pythia7::LundPtGenerator | LundPtGenerator is the transverse momentum generator used in the Lund string fragmentation scheme |
Pythia7::LundZGenerator | The LundZGenerator generates longitudinal scaling variable z of hadron produced in the Lund string fragmentation scheme, according to the Lund Symmetric Fragmentation Function, , where the , and factors are determined by the setShape() function |
Pythia7::Oriented | Mainly implements a static member theSide that describes, in the fragmentation procedure, from which side of the string a step is taken |
Pythia7::OrientedIndex | During the stepping procedure of the LundFragHandler one may have to pass through several StringRegion s to step from the initial StringRegion to the current one |
Pythia7::Shower::Particle | Particle class |
Pythia7::Shower::PDF | Base class for parton distribution functions |
Pythia7::Pythia7Strategy | Sub-class of the Strategy class, simply implementing the correct citation for Pythia7 in the ClassDocumentation interface |
Pythia7::Shower::Rndm | The random number generator class used internally in the Pythia7 Shower routines |
Pythia7::Shower::RotBstMatrix | RotBstMatrix class |
Pythia7::Shower::Shower | Administrates initial- and final-state radiation, by one call to SpaceShower and repeated calls to TimeShower |
Pythia7::ShowerHandler | The ShowerHandler class administers parton showers for external partons in a hard SubProcess or in a decay of a heavy resonance |
Pythia7::ShowerHandler::InfiniteLoopException | Exception class used if too many attempts is made to shower a sub-process |
Pythia7::Shower::SpaceParticle | This class holds info on a spacelike particle in the shower evolution |
Pythia7::Shower::SpaceShower | Does spacelike showers |
Pythia7::SpaceShowerHandler | SpaceShowerHandler is a wrapper around the internal Shower::SpaceShower class to perform a space-like parton shower |
Pythia7::String | Describes the string of the Lund string fragmentation model |
Pythia7::StringCollapser | StringCollapser is the class used by the LundFragHandler class to collapse strings which are deemed too small to fragment into one or two hadrons |
Pythia7::StringRegion | The StringRegion describes a region of a String in the momentum (parameter) space representation |
Pythia7::Shower::ThePEGPDF | Interface class to make the ThePEG pdf classes available to the internal Pythia7 Shower classes |
Pythia7::Shower::TimeParticle | This class holds info on a timelike particle in the shower evolution |
Pythia7::Shower::TimeShower | Does timelike showers |
Pythia7::TimeShowerHandler | TimeShowerHandler is a wrapper around the internal Shower::TimeShower class to perform a space-like parton shower |
Pythia7::Shower::Vec4 | Vec4 class |