Computing resources

Most branches of physics today, relies heavily on computing. Theoretical particle physics (at least the stuff i do) is no exception. I find great joy in learning to solve physics with the use of computers. This is almost certainly also rooted in the fact that I am very interested in computing for it's own sake, and I enjoy learning for example a new language for a certain task.
I wrote my first program on a TI-83+ calculator from Texas Instruments in 2001. It was a very simple program -- it simply found the roots of a second degree polynomial, provided that the user gave as input it's coefficients. I had no idea how to interpret the stuff I could read in the manual, so I just tried. I was very proud of my self for producing a program that could even tell me, with a sarcastic comment, that no roots could be found. It was my first year of high-school, so I had not heard about complex numbers yet. The stuff I do today is somewhat more complicated, mostly written in C++ or Python (which the links might reflect), but I've probably maintained the rather sarcastic style in my program output -- which you might notice if you download some of my sample code from these pages.
The following links are resources ranking from some I use almost every day, to references I rarely look upon. Some are rather well known for most people, but I am sure that most will also find some that they did not know in advance.

Monte Carlo resources

My primary work is within the field of Monte Carlo event generators. You can read more about it on the Research page. This is a collection of links to other Monte Carlo projects which I use myself, or find interesting in one way or the other.

Mathematics resources

In primary school I was not very fond of math. I actually considered doing a linguistic major in high school, such that I could get out of having to do math. Luckily that changed -- primarily through a great teacher in high school Erik Odgaard Gade, who inspired me to pursue math further. I took a Ba. in math from Roskilde University, and I have myself taught math in high school for a short while.
Most of the math resources you will find here, clearly shows that I am a practitioner. I use math to solve physics problems, I don't prove theorems or the like.


This is a shortlist of what I will be reading/want to read for the next half year or so.

Other resources

Here I have listed all of those that does not fit in the other categories. Webcomics and the like are also listed here, although many of them could perhaps be placed in the other categories.

General physics resources

Even though nothing can really replace the solid feeling of a book between your hands, most physics resources today are online. Here is an (incomplete) list of general physics resources.